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360° ♓️Neptunian Mercury #cazimi 25°-26° in #pisces (Saturn in #piscis♓ )in MidHeaeven

360° ♓️Neptunian Mercury #cazimi 25°-26° in #pisces (Saturn in #piscis♓ ) in MidHeaeven A purification that teaches a keen appreciation of the value of idividual response to challenges of life. There is magic in being You. It fullfills your mission and inspires healing. Aquarian subliminal tones merged our hopes to revolted against those who thought different. #pluto in Capricorn had us destroying structures and systems, leaders and rules, teachers and friends, partners and family, that the group thinking labeled as toxic. The world divided in we .vs they. This cazimi purifies the collective mind, and we all indicidually awaken to the intuition of what is real and true: We are ONE🌎 and as a cellular organism each cell has its own natural function; this means that confronted with the opportunity to expand our energy, individuals respond according to their own personal character. advice by degree of this cazimi: ☀️honor your own intuition ☀️ burst the magic bubble spelled by the massive mind; ☀️in any society is better to accept each other nature and not try to compel other individuals to confirm to a single pattern of response. ☀️Calming the mind with #meditation ☀️inspire yourself to be you in the ideal of the dream of a peaceful earth we all good people weave together ☀️ disolve the evil that takes place when we act like despots, demanding that others react to life exactly as we do. Today, March 16th, at 4:44pm CT #venus ingresses #taurus♉️ 0°0' in sextil with #saturn armonizing the senses with the opportunity to succeed in your effort: ☀️balance your charm and fairly expect to be valued and loved for your beauty and creativity. ☀️magnetize your #heart power with coherence to attract good company, money, art & music, pleasure, sensorial harmony, union and love. ☀️Relate and touch To remove obstacles brought by #mars square (90°) #neptune and Mercury square Mars, exact 0° orb Gemini MC : ☀️if you still don't know what to do or your thinking gets in the way of what needs to be said and done... like a #samurai before battle remember: no mind. ☀️Listen to your intuition and be noble with your speech, do no harm. ☀️Say your I love yous.



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