360° Nov 15 is the first square aspect of the past eclipse♉️. The moon♌️ squares the eclipse point at 16° degrees, and you can feel the joy and power of new beginnings.
There is a surge of life and love after a major crisis; this degree reveals consciousness at its most inspiring moments of enjoyment. Togetherness gives a good feeling.
To those observing with attention, the eclipse tuned us to a true principle of organation as an organism as a necessary development of the capacity to protect one-self and to safeguard one's individual rights under complex social pressures. The more creative the person, the greater his or her meed for protection.
The moon squares Uranus♉️ rising exact at 4:23 pm CT on her way to oppose Saturn♒️ exact at 9:17pm CT while Saturn applies a trine △ to Mars retro♊️ receiving a bQ from the MC♑️ in a 2° orb conjuntion with Pluto, to ground any animosity and cool off any anger you feel when defending your values and possesions, is the way of victory; because revolution is happening, and your compassion and generosity are the only weapons that will work for the wellbing of Society.
Pluto leads a transformation of your mission as you experience a renassaince in your relationships, love and business, towards a long term success (together or apart). Because the Sun♏️ while leading the moon♌️, is applying a armonic △ to Jupiter enhanced by Mercury and Venus △ to Jupiter - in good terms - even though Venus is in detriment in ♏️ , if you put yourself at the center of the creativity, love will flourish and good fortune awaits.
Now, this is a noticeable square🟥 - a challenge that requires your authenticity, discipline, and mastery of will. To eliminate what is toxic will guarantee a successful renewal. The moon in Leo here gives an alert to all fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius Great time to work with your back; equalize circulation and get the heart happy. It is a care day.
Tune up to the armonics left by the sextiles of Pluto as the Sun sextiles Pluto, while Mars retro quincux the Sun exact leaving it entirely to you to correct any past wrong doing that separated people, like lies and gossip.
Use your power for good.