Happy New Moon!

Sun in 12*19' Aquarius
Moon 12* 19' Aquarius
The Sun is in detriment when it is in the sign of Aquarius, which means its vitality is not as conscious here. In clairvoyance, the 12* degree of Aquarius gives us The necessity of recognizing differences of types and levels of development wherever human beings live and work together.
It warns us against sentimentally overstressing our Western equalitarianism which essentially applies to the spiritual core of all individual persons, considered "sons of God" or spiritual monads. Every human being is potentially divine as an individual person, but THE NATURAL PROGRESSION OF STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS is an unavoidable reality to accept at the social-mental level.
This takes us to The ability to discover basic natural facts that allow us to plan in advance for action.
Planning for the near future is a possibility because the potential (or seed) of the future is already operating at the core of the present. It is most important to seek — by whatever means and at whatever level of consciousness — a knowledge of causal progression. In the broadest sense this implies an awareness of cyclic processes, and this includes astrology. The Keyword is ANTICIPATION.
This Black Moon lunation, at the disposition of Saturn & Urano, has the quality to activate the square aspect between these to planets, which has created crisis through out the last year, leaving us with no other path than to evolve by doing things different. This new moon is not only it is directed by these two planets, this lunation also opposes Saturnia and squares Urania, pulling your wants and needs in the opposite direction of your responsibilities with society by bringing a crisis that awakes you in regards of your need to realize the authority of your individuality, specially regarding your own freedom of thought, in favor of the revolution needed to evolve trwards a stable future, in good company, and for the benefit of humanity.
Aquarius being the sign of the elites - elites meaning people that unite in groups following their own altruistic causes - in clairvoyance of the current transit of Saturn in the 15*30' degree of Aquarius resonate with The blessing bestowed upon personal achievements by the spiritually fulfilled consciousness of the Soul; Wanting to order and structure the rules for Inner happiness. And, inner happiness is seen to be the reward of all individuals who have made a valuable "contribution" to their community or to mankind as a whole. In this highest aspect this happiness is indeed Beatitude. Which takes us to The ability to organize the many aspects of an enterprise involving a large group of human beings; as humanity realizes now that we are indeed an "organism".
Urano in 10*53' Tauro Brings awareness to the radical changes affecting The compassionate linking of all men; Personal attachment in love to a husband or wife has changed level becoming a CONSECRATION TO HUMANITy's stability, in resources, in talents, in values, in the richness of the material world and the temple of the body/mind electrical technology of being human; and the importance of the work we do every day to ground our body to the earth through the senses, and cultivate food in our own gardens.
Since Aquarius is all about patterns, specially of those of the higher mind, let's talk about the patterns in the sky of this lunation.

Grand Cross
A Grand cross, gives us an opportunity to empower our intention with speed of action and resoluteness when acting but it is better to treat the Grand Cross as a balance of oppositions, not concentrating efforts on one particular planet or horoscope house an specific objective, but carefully tracing rhythm of destiny, and surf the wave.
The lunation opposes the Midheaven in 5* Leo, which represents The structuring power of elemental forces during the long cycle of planetary evolution. Dwarfing the time allowed to individual human beings, the vast periods of geological evolution not only awe our imagination, but allow the slow yet magnificent work of elemental forces as they mold landscapes and canyons, rocks and mountains. This symbol points to our need to acquire a much vaster perspective on what we are able to do - and on our yearning for prolonged youth and our pride in masculine achievements. The works of nature should make us feel humble and help us to 'planetarize' our consciousness. Impersonality takes us to the relativity of social values and takes us to The need to transcend our subservience to fashion, in morals as well as in clothes.
It might feel like your wants and desires pull you in one direction and society pulls you in another; your intuition takes you to the core of heart matters - the family, the home, your house, the grave at the end life calls you to come back to your roots, honor your ancestors, and heal the past and your relationship with the light of the mother - while the father archetype pulls you towards social realization of authority by putting you at the center of your kingdom reminding you of the magnetic power of your brave heart to lead a generation.
Urano opposes the Ascendant in 5* Scorpio, so deep-deep-deep phycological transformation is at work that brings to the surface secrets, tabus, power struggles (mainly with your self which project on others) as you continue purifying all toxicity; so you can embrace your personal power through trust in the other, through commitment to your own healing qualities in this shamanic experience we call life.
Powerful stuff.
In clairvoyance we see A MASSIVE ROCKY SHORE RESISTS THE POUNDING OF THE SEA. The inertia of all institutionalized procedures. We see in it how binding and resistant a communal way of life can become. In this there is strength and stability, and these are necessary factors in the social life of man - until new horizons beckon. The keyword is stability.
So, the pattern is balancing the Self surfing a wave of stability, setting the seed of your intention for the next cycle of family, home, house, and whatever life you have left to live; while change keeps surprising you and revolutionizing your relationships by calling you to ground in the sensorial world of the body; embrace each other, touch, feel, and love the experience of connection as your most intelligent treasure, while you succeed being your most generous, joyful, entertaining and sunny trustworthy Self. Since the Sun rules Leo, and the sun is in detriment in Aquarius, pay extra attention to not let your ego run the show, but your generosity. ... and heal.
Being this lunation in sextile with Chiron in Aries, you are aware of your wounded inner child, and the need to heal; Chiron wants results and this is a harmonic opportunity to help others heal by embracing your vulnerability, and lower your defense mechanism... just take the mask off, and lead the way. In this chart Mars is also the "hyleg", the giver of health, the planet which speaks of our collective health at the moment of this lunation and the influence of its period; keep enough fire to keep you warm, but not too much that burns you. Mars squares Chiron, and can challenge our health with fevers and inflammation, accidents and cuts, perhaps surgeries that are unavoidable;, but it is in harmonious aspects with Jupiter and Uranus igniting in you the ability to transcend illness and expand your optimism and freedom to change and be different without health consequence, in an exact conjunction with the Ascendant in Scorpio, our transformations in the renewal that death awareness has brought to us in its wisdom and healing, during these lunation are guaranteed to win the battle fought in the body by following your intuition and will. If you are to drink something, may it be clear water.
Since Chiron is in the sixth house of illness, and daily habits, your job, your co-workers, your pets, well... it is pretty evident that asserting your independence and taking the lead with courage regarding the habits that keep you healthy is in order not only for your benefit, but also the benefit of all other animals on earth.. Mars energy, the ruler of Aries, is in a dance with Saturn, enclosing all the personal planets between impatience and limitation, between war and suffering, but this is a call for leadership and wisdom, have no doubt.
In clairvoyance, Chiron in 9*16' degrees of Aries, brings the awareness of the development of an inner realization of organic wholeness, that calls for your concentrated attention, which takes you to a Revision of attitude at the beginning of a new cycle of experience. A new dimension of consciousness is discovered, revealing higher possibilities of experience and mental development. This is a moment for Abstraction and of emotional allegiance.

Jupiter and Neptune in Piscis in the meantime bless all your creative endeavors with inspiration to heal, and good fortune to expand your optimism. The advice? Stay happy, in positive celebration of your blessings, and stay clear, soulful and inspired. Here is an opportunity to harmonize the mobilization of physical and emotional energies in a spirit of conquest ; magnetized by Mars in 5* Capricorn, taking us to a threshold where we can finally pause, and the spiritual blessing which strengthens individuals who, happen what may, stand uncompromisingly for their own truth, the supreme worth of a life guided by an inner voice and manifesting a high degree of SELF-ASSERTION which then leads us towards a call to participate in service of the race, as an evolutionary crisis approaches, consecrating the individual to the whole. Tomorrow acts through today, and it summons men and women to rebirth in unconditional love to succeed in the long run. The way of breakthrough and adjustment is by embracing your destiny as a trustworthy shinny conscious being full of vitality and joy, the creator at the center of life.

The Trapeze/Cradle is basically a harmonious configuration demanding some balance. The Trapeze indicates aid from the outside which at critical moments appears in the right place at the right time. A configuration of aspects formed when four points of a horoscope are uniformly connected by three sextiles, with the first and last points in opposition. In character, firmness can collapse, and calmness and stability can be replaced by hysterical erraticness. In this pattern, it is taught that under its magnetic influence we can take from life only what we have gained, i.e. as long as life contains no disorder, restriction, or active engagement, we cannot forge something new. In human life, this is more important than the force of creation – but without refusing something, without choosing, we cannot construct the best future.
So, in this struggle with the Self who keeps being call to change for a better relationships with others, while feeling the call to be in the Self, the blessing and the good fortune comes in staying in creativity through the art of optimism, in the inspiration of healing the body transcending with pure soul, There is a need for balancing the feminine and the masculine, who represented by Mars and Venus, are about to engage in a dance with each other, between independence and union, between war and love, between leadership and dependency, between male and female; all in favor of the future and a new stability. Venus is back in 11* Capricorn from its retrograde karmic journey during 40 days and 40 nights, and she is cooperating with nature in creating beauty and elegance by capitalizing on skill and opportunity, The ability to explore unfamiliar realms and discover the laws underlying the complex processes of nature is next. Together they will take you in a journey of self discover in reflection of your inner warrior, and the magnetism of your personal charm.
God speed. May love be with you, the divine energy which unites the Universe. As above, so below; when in doubt, look up to the sky, and study the mathematics of heaven, the music of the cosmos, in the reflection of Self, through Self, for the evolution of the Self. Eat well, Eat with Soul, drink water. How you eat, is how you think. Nothing like experiential truth through your awareness of the breath and the observation in equanimity of your sensations in the body. Then in peaceful wave of your magnetic field, you can decide what to think, say and do for the benefit of all, including your Self. It is as simple as that.
