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Eclipse Season: Solar Eclipse 30 April CT 2022 : healing together

Updated: May 30, 2022

Eclipse season is a time of accelerated change, due to the effects of the interruption of Sun light, and the illumination of evolutive growth. Karma is a concept taught as an awareness of energetic forces of cause and effect, and how our actions, words, and thoughts create the universe we experience as reality.

During Eclipse season, it is the force of light and sound that during Solar eclipses interrupts our conscious awareness (the path of the Sun), as a way to turn off our constant creative force so we can experience reality as it is when we are not actively creating it by ego. What do you see, when there is nothing to look at? Your intuition fully highlighted, from all the rays of sunshine the moon takes as she/he transits in between the Earth and the Sun. From Earth, we don't receive direct sun rays , we receive their reflection... so to reflect on how aware you are of the ultimate law of nature, impermanence, is a beneficial practice.

3 Phases

There are 3 distinct stages of a partial solar eclipse, like the one we will experience on April 30th Central Time:

  • Partial solar eclipse begins: The Moon starts moving over the Sun's disk.

  • Maximum eclipse: The eclipse reaches its maximum magnitude. The Moon now covers more of the Sun's disk than at any other moment during the eclipse.

  • Partial solar eclipse ends: The Moon stops covering the Sun.

Let us begin by looking at the beginning of this portal, which will be quite active as it takes us towards the Moon Eclipse on May 15th Central Time - when we get to do the correspondence as the Earth goes in between the Sun and the Moon, and we get to quiet our feelings and needs (Moon) and illuminate our evolutive growth and healing from a perspective of Conscious Awareness (Sun) of reality on Earth.

As you know by now, astrology focuses on the language of the cosmos, observing patterns of natural cycles that we travel in spiral motion through space and time. Cycles repeat, but nature changes all the time. Ideally, knowing your cosmic nature will help you eradicate ignorance which brews fear of the unknown and paralyses your healing and evolution. If you didn't know this, I invite you to study the history of astrology and why is that since ancestral times to be a doctor and help people healed you had to study Astrology as a medical tool.

Observing the astrological chart in the activation of the Solar Eclipse on April 30 1:45 pm Central Time, we recognize that this conjunction between the Sun and the moon occurs in a new moon, that is why it is a solar eclipse.

The lunar nodes are mathematical points that mark the axis of intersection between the lunar orbit and the orbit that the Earth follows around the Sun. In this chart they are activating the axis between MC and IC.

The North Node of the Moon (future-evolution) conjuncts the MC Midheaven, which is the highest point in the sky and activates your mission in service of society, your public image, and your status, which all play a key role in your success as a leader of your own authority in the long term. This includes the father and/or any paternal authority figure, it can be your boss, and it can be a woman or a man. Universally, the MC marks Saturn topics in our lives ruled by Saturn - an Earth elemental with a cardinal modality; to know which planet activates your own Midheaven individually, we need to study your natal chart.

The South Node of the Moon (Past-comfort zone) conjuncts the IC, which marks Endings and your most inner refuge, the heart Soul of your ancestral lineage and roots in healing and growth; this includes the mother, or any maternal figure who takes care and nurtures you which can be a man or a woman, the home, the house, the family, and your natural cycles of change and healing. Universally, the house of Cancer activating topics in our lives ruled by the Moon; A Water elemental with a cardinal modality.

In the chart we can observe that at the beginning of this Solar eclipse, the evolution of the North Node is guided by Venus, the benefic planet of the Lunar Cast (Moon, Venus, Saturn) because the MC is in Taurus, and Taurus is guided by Venus cycles. Taurus being an Earth elemental with Fixed modality. While the South Node of the moon in the IC is guided by Mars (and Pluto), because the IC is in Scorpio, and Scorpio is ruled, guided, by the planet Mars representing leadership, combat, initiative, action, and victory at war and in modern astrology Pluto, who is associated with death, renewal, transformation, and wise healing. A Water elemental Fixed modality, because is Scorpio, a Water Fixed sign. To know your own elemental nature, we need to study your own natal chart, which is the map of the zodiac at the moment you were born.

The Lunar nodes, which are activated during eclipses, are two opposite points, they are always located in two opposite and complementary signs. This eclipse activates the Lunar Node Axis TauroNN/ScorpioSN. This in astrology teaches about our patterns in matters of money, shared money, and how our talents and resources affect our values, including how we value our SelfEsteem; the investments of our merged contracts, including marriage, and deeply committed sexual relationships, where an energy is shared. Money is energy, too. This is the axis of Material balance, and the wise merging of Power.

The North Node in Taurus advises to use your body as your sensorial compass. How do you feel? Not from the perspective of intuition only, but from the sensorial perspective of wisdom that arises through the senses. Do you see? Do you smell? Do you taste? Do you touch? Do you hear? Do you feel your way through life? It language of the body, is the language of sensations. Are you focusing your attention on your breath, so you can focus your mind to its deepest level of attention on one point at a time, so you can observe your sensations? Wisdom arises from the experience, and in Taurus the experience is that of the simple natural things in life, like good company, good food, handmade creations, playing music, steady work, and estable grounding as a terrestrial being. You are nature. The north node wants you to evolve towards the future, and this is the path to begin because the future connects directly with your present moment. Remember that time is not linear, past, present and future exist simultaneously and multidimensionally. Karma = cause and effect. As you do, speak, or think at this moment, you manifest an effect that boomerangs back to you, in synchronicity with natural good timing. It is all for your evolution, in the case of the lunar nodes connected with your spirit journey and growth through out lifetimes. Which is why Eclipses have the goal to align you with your life purpose, as you chose it by past actions, so you have the opportunity to learn and leave behind the lessons beneficial to your enlightenment. At the end of the journey, you ideally learn to purely shine your light for the benefit of all.

The South Node in Scorpio advises us to surrender to our own transformation, by letting go of that which does not serve your healing. Being in scorpio it directs our attention to the need to release our craving and aversion for control (the ultimate challenge of the inner warrior represented by Mars) and the renewal of our own power. Usually the lessons that come with death, the dark night of the soul, and transformation until wisdom arises and we feel renewed teaches us that desire to dominate, power plays to manipulate, possessive distrust, are all the shadows of healthy ambition. It is about Self Mastery, never about power over others, but the art of purifying our own personal power so we can relate to others in complete trust and loyalty of the commitment to one an other.

So, as you experience fast change during this eclipses, whenever you feel comfortable controlling others, you will learn to let go of that comfort, so you can instead of manipulate the energy to see things as you want them to be, you can always evolve by choosing to instead discover the natural flow of energy without your manipulation and learn to see things as they are, reality as it is. Then you can consciously change it for your benefit, your family, and every other sentient being in the Universe.

In clairvoyance, we see at 22* degree of Taurus The spiritual inspiration that comes to the individual in the overcoming of crisis, a REWARD TO THE FAITHFUL.

In clairvoyance, we see at 23* degree of Taurus The social confirmation of natural excellence. We become concerned with social proccess which brings about a CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL WORTH.

A needed awareness for what is coming as we transit 24* degree of Taurus: The aggressiveness of human instincts when fighting for their earthly base of operation; where We are still in the period of "Differentiation" (Act One of the cyclic process) and the need for a differentiation of human behavior and collective values is still very strong. At the emotional level man apparently still has to believe in VIOLENCE FOR SURVIVAL.

In clairvoyance, these same degrees in Scorpio, 22*, 23*, 24* are calling for us to let go and dissolve our animal tendency to socially accepting release of an individual's or a group's aggressive instincts. In the symbol for Scorpio 22° it is society that willingly accepts — and in accepting, ritualizes and to some extent refines — the aggressiveness inherent in most individuals. In the symbol of Scorpio 23* we are asked to let go and dissolve our human tendency of raising animal drives to a higher level, whether it is the sexual desire for a progeny, or aggressiveness as the instinctual urge. These both essential so we can let go and dissolve the need to incorporate inspiring experiences and teachings into everyday living, that at the moment are only a challenge to our transformation. This fourth symbol as usual suggests to us what has to be done or how to do it. The "return home" from the high mountain, or from any "upper chamber" of the consciousness, may lead to a sense of oppression by the normal realities of existence, or else the soul that has been illuminated may retain enough of that light to transfigure every daily situation.

As the sun and the moon approach their exact conjunction, they activate the 10*/11* degree of Taurus in the IX house. The IX house represents matters of belief, higher justice, higher learning, gurus, teachers, transcending of all frontiers, languages and cultures through higher education, and a truthful philosophy of life in the search of meaning and freedom. What do you believe is true? As the Sun rays start getting blocked by the new moon, surrender your Will (Sun), observe the nature of your father archetype as it is (Sun) by feeling your sensations with a clear intention for healing (Moon). What do you believe is true? You will experience live according to your believes.

The 10* degree of Taurus enlightens The compassionate linking of all men. It reveals the feeling of human cooperation at the stage of pure altruism and service to the social Whole. Personal attachment in love to a husband or wife has changed level becoming a CONSECRATION TO HUMANITY.

The 11* degree of Taurus enlightens Development of the powers of the mind on which ego-consciousness is based. The psycho-mental nature of a human being takes form out of the fulfillment and transcendence of biological functions and drives, much as the bud appears as the sap rises, and bursts forth into bloom. "As the roots, so the flowers" is an old axiom. The consciousness attaches itself to this wondrous efflorescence; it lavishes its attention upon it, its love — alas, usually a possessive kind of love ("This is my garden!"). Thus the ego develops. It may develop in a negative, resentful way if a belated frost destroys the buds. This is the first stage of the ninth sequence of phases, a sequence that basically refers to the overall situation related to the development of the ego. The Keyword here is CULTIVATION.

Mercury leads the way to success beginning his/her cycle in 0* Gemini, where it will go retrograde May 10th, taking you into a repetition, re-learning, restoring, reflecting upon the past, in the challenges of how you give your authority to others when it comes to information and ideas, and how this affects the structure of society and you success in it. We will talk about that when the time comes. For now, purify your own voice by silencing the mind as you surrender your will into the natural flow of healing.

In sextile with Mars in 11*/12* Piscis in the VII house, this eclipse points to the opportunity to act on your dreams and ideals as a way to win as a leader in your relationships, and transcend as an altruistic individual and a free thinker in the relationship. Freedom in the relationship is your reward. Silent noble servicial healing actions can win you the war.

And we can't ignore Uranus in 14*/15* Taurus IX house, the planet of radical intelligent change, practically the planet of technology and electricity, teaching us in Taurus that the highest technology is and will always be your Human Nature manifested through body/mind electricity in resonance with all magnetic fields (the heart, the spirit, the cosmos).

Uranus in close conjunction with the North Node of evolution, change is your best friend, if you want to succeed in the long term. In the IX house, changing your perception of truth from digital abstracts worlds towards a perception of truth through material sensorial grounding is advised. What you believe is a result of your experience. If you are disconnected from your body (taurus) you will be lost in the pull of power coming from the darkness represented by the journey of Pluto, who destroys everything that is toxic so you can renew your own personal power in wisdom. Remember, your conscious awareness is a journey of light in the will of being your shiniest most virtuous version of being human (sun).

Money, values, self esteem, talents, resources, food, your beliefs about all these topics are changing. When in doubt, just observe and turn towards nature.

Beneficial is to observe the Keaper belt and its asteroids and centaurs for deeper realization on our healing. Chariklo faces the challenge to come to Chiron's aid and help you heal the inner child wound that Chiron in Aries has been insisting on healing so you can embrace your identity from a healthy perspective. She/he does this by helping you hold your ground.

At simple glance we can see that Pholus, Psyche, and Quaoar have been bringing ancestral family material to the surface through unconscious actions with the intention to open a door to the Soul. Eros in Taurus is ready to attract the opposite sex with a desire of stability. Femine/Masculine Correspondence is posible when you forgive.

Wonderful to see is that at the moment of activation of this eclipse, ruled by Venus, Venus is conjunct exact Jupiter, the benefic of the Solar Cast (Sun, Jupiter, Mars). Both benefics arrive together at the 27* degree of Piscis where Venus dignity is exalted. Jupiter is the ruler planet of Piscis so she is feeling generous, fortunate, friendly, and magnifies the beneficial qualities of Venus with her blessing, you might meet finally the teacher you have been asking for, which you will recognize because she/he will come with the teaching that the great teacher and guru is within you, and will direct you towards your own truth based on the wisdom that only arises by your personal experience, at this moment through balance, harmony, justice, beauty and love. You can measure its influence by how unifying your relationships have become by true love. The goal is Universal Harmony in the Union that results when you love.

At the moment of this conjunction, both planets are separating from their conjunction with Neptune, but still in orb. Neptune can be confusing and delusional when we are in its lowest frequency. No doubt, the truth can be elusive, and our ego distracted in our tendency to escape reality through our additions, be it alcohol, drugs, plants, sex, anything that alters the mind from its natural perception of reality. So meditation is advised to ground the flow of thought (earth) and temper passions (fire) that can exaggerate disharmony when you look at your truth. Ideally, Neptune taught you to inspire and heal through the dissolution of your ego and your service to others through unconditional love and the art of peace, for the pure purpose to transcend reality with Soul.

Mantra: Peace starts with me.

As we reach the climax of this Solar Eclipse, we can see that the sun turns off at 11* degree of Taurus. As the roots, so the flowers. As you surrender your will so you can see in the dark by feeling, what are the feelings/memories/visions that come to the surface?

Remember... anicca... impermanence is the law of nature. This will also change, no need to attach to your craving or to your aversion for what arises. It is there for you to observe as it arises and passes away. What is to keep is the wisdom of the experience. You know you have cultivated wisdom when all that you generate is love and compassion, good will for others, and share your merits, for the benefit of all.

The earth you walk on and the stability you have transforms deeply and profoundly. Purify, eliminate, detoxify, no more control, no more distrust, complete renewal.

With the Part of the Fortune rising exact in 20*/21* AC Ascendent in Virgo, the purification is to be embodied as your true vocation. A vocation in the service of your wellbeing, your health, your fame, your wealth, as you serve others. In clairvoyance, The need of cooperative effort in reaching any "New World" of experience. What seems to be clearly implied is a process in which a group of persons are journeying together — thus linking their consciousnesses and energies (the "car" symbol) — in order to safely reach the goal of destiny. Here there is no longer any sense of competition, but an ordered and structured endeavor. The past is entirely left behind; men cooperate in the great "adventure in consciousness" in a TOTALIZATION OF PURPOSE AND EFFORT.

Which leads us to a Physical training as a means to inculcate thefeeling of participation in a collective culture. A definite type of educational activity is implied with cultural, and as well emotional, overtones. It implies the training for GROUP INTEGRATION of "girls," i.e. of a type of consciousness more specifically receptive to collective forces.

Healing by purification of the details, highly analytical efficient intelligence, and the resolution of problems in service of others. Order, cleansing, a practice of perfection. You'll notice is out of balance if what you feel is obsessive thinking, and when you speak/think/do you sound like a critic and not like someone whose volition is to help. Mercury rules Virgo, and Virgo now in the IX house, by 1* degree of gemini will bring to you a message related to what being perfect really means.

The Ten Perfections

  1. Generosity (dana)

  2. Moral conduct (sila)

  3. Renunciation (nekkhamma)

  4. Wisdom (paññā)

  5. Energy (viriya)

  6. Patience (khanti)

  7. Truthfulness (sacca)

  8. Determination (adhitthana)

  9. Loving-kindness (metta)

  10. Equanimity (upekkha)

The challenge presents it self still as the need to spark freedom from all suffering, as you revolve and innovate your genius individual ideas as you create the future. If you do it different, you will heal. Pluto already retrograde until October, start in the critica degree in Capricorn as its effort to completely transform governance from a true justice perspective. Who governs your body/mind/soul? It is time for healing. No shame, no guilt, no abuse, no lies. Inspire.

By when the eclipse ends, the moon has already separated from the Sun by 1 degree, closer to 12*Tauro, The fascination of the youthful ego with the products of its culture. The ego becomes aware of what society has to offer. Its attention is turned outward. An interplay takes place between the individual and his culture. He is being molded by what he sees and by prospects for growth in social prestige. It is a phase of SOCIALIZATION OF DESIRES.

The illumination of Conscious Awareness and creative will begins again, with a new light. In relationship with each other in stability, you realize the value of your relationships one on one. Those who you love, those who you consider good partnerships, good company. By now, Venus, who is guiding this eclipse is ahead of Jupiter by one degree, in 28*/29* Piscis ready to integrate the whole experience of what has brought the relationship here. A healthy portal towards better day to day balance of you and I, together.

The full satisfaction of the individual's basic needs, abundance that allows you to appreciate the LIGHT BREAKING INTO MANY COLORS THROUGH A PRISM. The "prism" is always there. There is no absolute unity; if anything could be called "absolute" it is the relationship between the One and the Many.

The challenge remains in the duality of harmonizing violent impulses due to that which was denied to you, that which you chose to disobey for which you were exiled from paradise, as to not revenge and go dark, or exercise your sexual power in damaging ways. The capacity to take care of your needs by following your dreams an ideals in truth while searching for meaning in the pursuit of happiness requires for you to... change.

In simple words this eclipse begins by reminding us to: Be simple. Be earthy. Be natural. Cultivate good company, cultivate the earth to eat nutritious food, live beautifully, cultivate the finest arts, love the Earth, harmonize your relationships, balance the way you love so you can magnetize your most beneficial desire in good justice for all. What you believe as true manifests your reality. Your reality must benefit the whole. Go with the flow of change, with the understanding of wisdom that arises through the experience to remind us that in the Universe there is no I, no Me, No Mine; and that we all obey to the ultimate law of nature: impermanence. Money, values, self esteem, talents, resources, food, your beliefs about all these topics are changing. When in doubt, just observe and turn towards nature. In Taurus that the highest technology is and will always be your Human Nature manifested through body/mind electricity in resonance with all magnetic fields (the heart, the spirit, the cosmos). Femine/Masculine Correspondence is posible when you forgive. And as you flow transient through time your purest sound sounds like this: Peace starts with me.



If you want to study your personal astrology, to understand how these transits affect you individually, you can connect with me and schedule your session. If you feel the benefits of this practice, and enjoy reading me, I invite you to comment, like, share, for the benefit of all. Thank you for your light. :)

Time, what a light! Space, what a sound :) Time and space, this is the science of AstroYoga. It is the science of Light and Sound, in my experience based on my observation as a Vipassana meditator.



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