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Eclipse Summer Change & horóscopos

Updated: Jun 23, 2020

We begin where we are. First, lets part from the wisdom that planets, stars and cosmic bodies, like everything else in the Universe, are an expression of divinity but not divinity themselves, and as such they are not be the object of our cult or adoration, but a navigating tool to guide us while writing our bitacora (binnacle) as we sail time and space, collectively and as individuals. God bless.

Astrology is the science that studies the patterns in the sky in relation to the patterns of human behavior and mundane natural events. We, on Earth, are part of a planetary Solar system, so when you study astrology you study the natural planetary cycles in the reflection of the Self. As above, so below. As within so without. MacroCosmos, MicroCosmos. Brahman and its effect on the electricity and magnetism of the mind and the body.

The stars in heaven tell the story of Time, and Time is the 4th dimension, according to the Mayas who in this respect are known for their astronomical exactitude during their golden years as a civilization. Many other ancient cultures dated as far as 4000-2000 B.C., like the Sumerian, Chinese, Indian, Egyptians, and the Babylonian Empire, who were committed to self-sufficiency, maximum productivity, and economic stability (all qualities of the Era of Taurus) recorded time as a way of knowledge, wisdom, and power. Their precision and attention to detail made them impeccable record keepers and many omens were recorded on clay tablets as early as 1750-1500 B.C. By studying the heavenly bodies, however, the Babylonian priests soon found the luminaries (Sun and Moon) to be superior omens from which they could efficiently anticipate natural phenomena and their accompanying significant events. T

Though all ancient civilizations were aware of the correlations between the timing of celestial movement and mundane and human conditions, the Babylonians methodically logged this information and are thus credited with creating the first recorded astrological system. Within the hierarchy of Babylonian society, the priests were the scientist and, as such, the most educated class. They were given access to the libraries and observatories, where they spent countless solitary hours observing the sky using the most advanced instruments of their day. In Babylonia, as well as in Greece, India, and China, these early observations of the Sun, the Moon, and the planets were made with the gnomon, a vertical stick which measured astronomical distances by the length and direction of the shadow it cast.

The Babylonians methodically recorded the movements of the planets with their accompanying celestial occurrences as early as 1701 B.C. with the writing of the Venus Tablet of Ammisaduqa, listing the cycles of Venus. But it was not until the Middle Babylonian Period (1000 B.C.) that the astronomical data for each planet, along with accompanying effects, was recorded onto thousands of cuneiform tablets and compile in a volume called Enuma Anu Enlil. The most complete extant volume was excavated from the site of the palace of the Assyrian Kin Ashurbanipl at Nineveh (668-635 B.C.) and is presently stored at the British Museum. By uncovering and translating these tables, which had lain buried for thousands of years, archaeologists in the 19 th century were not only able to decipher astronomical and astrological data, but to learn about life in itself.

By methodically studying planetary configurations, Babylonian priests were able to time planetary cycles, estimate astronomical distances, and observe celestial relationships. In time, they developed a more advanced method of prediction by which they could chart recurring configurations such as eclipses, phases of the moon, and the positions of the most prominent "stars" - The Moon, the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, and Mars. With this knowledge, they were soon able to predict with amazing regularity, weather patterns auspicious planting times, and whether the ensuing period would bring peace or hostility.

Solar Eclipse June 2020

Time is spiral and cycles repeat. So here we are again, in Eclipse season.

According to ancient Vedic Yogas in astrology, the Yugas (eras) of Time mark how the Sun, with its galaxy of planets, moons, stars and asteroids, revolves around its dual star (another Sun), as it travels space around the grand center, Brahma - the ultimate reality, the soul and spiritual core of the Universe... for us mortals, the omnipresent light of God. The closer we get to that light center, our minds become more conscious and society thrives in wisdom, peace, and knowledge of its electromagnetic qualities (telepathy, precognition, psychic abilities, astral travel, and so on); as we travel in space farther from that omnipresent light of God, the power center of the Universe, we loose consciousness, become ignorant of the Self, and unconsciousness sets in, with all its dark ages.

We are in eclipse season, and this weekend a Solar Eclipse is to be felt next on June 20/21st, 2020 (gregorian calendar), in 00* Cancer, in the axis of the Earth. The second eclipse of the Triad of this season. The first was a Lunar eclipse on June 5th in 15* Sagittarius, and the next one is another Lunar eclipse on July 4th in 13* Capricorn . North node of the Moon in Gemini, and South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius.

Fast change, karmic times, a perspective of freedom changing, and nurturing time beginning, and a cleansing in authority, with a dose of protective responsibility and discipline to go with the new law of order. A fast inevitable release of your past beliefs to change your perspective in a way that life feels again like freedom, and make no mistake, evolution is to happen only through friendly communication and versatile learning through the intelligent analysis of information, the understanding that we are all siblings to each other, and we all share a common sense. Light and fun, smart and breeze.

The Sun resonates with your life vitality and conscious nature, your will and your very Self, the easy manifestation of what you want, a vibrant expression of your natural shine.

The Moon is nurturing and emotional energy, the great mother, the home you nurture, the family you protect, the past you embody, that which you need for emotional well being and stability.

Dynamic contacts to the Moon will color emotional processes. You experience changes in emotional responses, changes in eating habits, changes in body rhythms. Things that are dear to you, things that are part of your security system could change.

In an Solar eclipse the Moon passes between the Earth and the sun, and the moon interrupts the light from the sun. In simple words, your consciousness darkness, and your enlightenment diminishes, for that moment in time. You are left with an intense change of energy, since the moon is the one receiving the light of the Sun, while aligned with the Earth, so you can behave, well...lunatic, emotional, temperamental, and insecure, or. you can nurture and mother your Self, pamper and protect your family, your body and mind, heal the past, cocoon in a relaxing protective ambiance, and stay home.

An eclipse in a cardinal sign in the 0* degree, in the axis of the Earth, brings greater changes, personal and collective, during the next 6 months cycle, from june 21th to December 29th. The climax of this eclipse that happens this weekend is happening in the 3rd house of communication, school, siblings, short travel, neighbors, the immediate surroundings, in the 00* degree of Cancer, the sign ruled by the moon, in the area of life (house) ruled by Mercury electromagnetism, who is retrograde also in Cancer, and who rules communication and opinions, ideas, words, learning, daily habits, movement and physical health, to name a few.

In simple words, communicating what you want by imposing your will does not give good results, but saying how you feel with kindness will get you what you need.

By degree we can say that, during this eclipse, after the parade, the show is over. Fulfillment leads to new demands upon the individual human consciousness. You are to make a decision in crisis, and the act of stabilization begins. What comes next is a radical change, a point of no return. You lower a old flag and raise a new one. You are in a moment of crisis, a sharp turning point. In the zodiac the spring season has come to a close. It is summer solstice. In the zodiacal cycle, at the summer solstice the northward motion of the sun stops; the sun rises and sets as far north of exact east and west as it can during the year-cycle. Its motion is now reversed. Slowly the sunset points move southward on the western horizon, and the length of the day decreases. In the lunation cycle (from New Moon to New Moon) the First Quarter phase begins. Even if the "collective" gradually overcomes the "individual," and at the end the state overpowers the person, now, however, you enjoy your most glorious hour, your ability to make a "free decision" and select your life goal and your allegiance. What comes first is a decisive act heavy with consequences, consciousness accepts a process of fundamental REORIENTATION, implying the stabilization of energies.

Let's open the sky with the astrological details of the climatic point of this specific Solar Eclipse coming up, and see a wider perspective:

As the next New Moon conjuncts the Sun, in 0* degree in Cancer, at 1:40am CT, and form the Solar eclipse, Mercury (how you think), Venus (how you love), Saturn (how you succeed), Jupiter (how you grow)and Pluto (how you transform) are retrograde, an energy that decelerates you to go slow and reflect on the body/mind/spirit experience each planet gives, usually through karmic experiences. Karmic meaning that every cause has an effect, and what you experience are the consequences of your own actions, with the opportunity to consciously change and stop creating ripples with more unconscious actions.

Planet's magnetic fields wave in harmonic or dissonant resonance interacting with our own magnetic fields. Their dance around the Sun, in synchronicity with the Earth, plays a symphony of vibration. And vibration has its science, subatomic light particles and sound waves functioning as electromagnetic forces, to keep the natural balance of creation. God, if you may. Why do you think people love true meditation?

In geometric hard aspects, Squaring (90 degrees) the solar eclipse (Sol&Moon) in cancer in the third house is Mars and Neptune in Pisces, and Chiron in Aries, in the 12th house of silence, dreams, womb, mind, higher consciousness, retreat, isolation, imprisonment, death, and everything hidden.

When something, about which nothing overtly can be done, occurs, and as a result of this you have to take a course of action which is new to you, you are experiencing a square. The square pushes us into corners that we can't avoid. We rarely want to go there so we are forced to go there. After the outburst we realize that the only way out is to do something that we may never have tried before. The best approach to take with a transiting or progressed square is to roll up your sleeves and take the action being indicated by the events.

Then, from Mars and Neptune in Pisces square aspect with the eclipse we can say that events which are nobody's fault are forcing you to a new type of action. Tension and frustration arise in the communication at home, within the family, or something you say after a hidden deceptive action (12th house) comes to light, for example something unconscious comes to your awareness, a dream brings your subconscious fear to the front, you realize that you have been the victim of fantasy and lies, or you find yourself facing the consequences of loosing your mind to intoxicants, such as alcohol, drugs, altered states of mind, or your intuition diminishes because you have been indifferent to others' people suffering, showing yourself apathetic and unforgiving. It can be as simple as the tensions that arise when you go out to initiate activity after a period of isolation,or the frustration that your idealism face after coming out of the recent global quarantine...or death showing up.

Chiron in Aries wants you to heal the mind, to heal that old wound that you keep in the subconscious about your identity that keeps you fearful of being truly who you are, and hidden. Actively embrace the realization that your very awareness to heal your trauma, heals others around you and makes a better world. Embracing your vulnerability takes courage, but recognizing your defense mechanisms so you can affirm your emotional independence, at home, within the family, in your private life, can help you win. Do not be afraid to go at it alone, and explore the depth of your mind and spiritual consciousness with compassion and forgiveness. I AM is perhaps the most important statement you can make, because the words and ideas that you put after it becomes your reality. This square will intensify this and You are forced to look at yourself in way that you have never done in the past, unlearn the past and start again.

In an Opposition aspect (180*)it we have the MC Mid heaven, Pholus in Capricorn in the 9th house, and the South Node in Sagittarius, in the 9th house.

Someone, or something, is causing you to make a decision. Someone, or something, is interacting in your life in a way which is contrary to what you want. Someone or something "out there" is doing something to you and furthermore it's their fault. They have done it, what ever it is. The theme of an opposition is blame or learning from an- other's actions. This projection can run the gamut from love to hate and will be placed upon some object, person, or group which is outside of us. The key to working with the opposition is to realize that the projection is coming from within and the external events are merely a mirror.

There is always choice with an opposition and this choice places you in the position of having to make decisions. You make this decision because of the actions of another or the actions of a group.

The MC Mid heaven is destiny, representing authority, success, social status, how others see you, public life. Pholus will influence you to act out of curiosity without thinking about the long ripples consequences of that action, that like a domino effect change the future before you. In Capricorn, these opposing energies respond to the energy of Saturn , which can be felt as someone or something "out there", in authority or social institutional order, who can be interacting in your life in a way which is contrary to what yo want, restricting you, challenging your authority, testing your commitments, or putting your sense of responsibility under pressure, asking, or demanding that you take on grater responsibilities in some way, and forcing you to obey by telling you how to feel. In the 9th house, these energies are related to your beliefs and your perspective regarding freedom and truth in the search for meaning. For example, the government telling you what to believe, your father asking you to obey, and society forcing you to believe that wearing a mask and surrendering your own authority to choose how to author your own life is a display of responsibility. Or protesters making you believe that it is your responsibility and you are the one to blame for a crime somebody else committed. Still, the power of the opposition is that you have a choice, and by making the choice you are given the freedom to believe whatever you decide, and align to your own truth, based on inner wisdom and higher education. Be mindful that whatever your decision the ripples of it will be consequences unforeseen until you succeed getting to the top of the mountain and fulfilling your destiny.

South node in Sagittarius in the 9th house opposing this eclipse, is simple really... to grow and expand with optimism and good fortune, and travel far transcending all cultures and languages, you are asked by the Universe to let go of your attachment to what you believe, and change your perspective. A new beginning, an emotional cleanse , a pause in your will. An alignment of body, mind and spirit with a new truth that honors god and your own divinity. Let go of believes that cause trouble, disrupt the peace, or interrupt other people's happiness, and purify your faith saying goodby to your own comfort zone, by welcoming positive change.

Remember, the decision to succeed in your pursuit of peace, happiness, and harmony between all sentient beings, regardless of cast, color, language, status or nationality, is yours. Transcend.


A deeper cosmic dive

So, let's observe first the mind, and the word, where the entire Universe begins, and lets talk about Mercury retrograde in Cáncer, and its aspects.

Mercury, is the planet that rules communication, movement, commerce, and the analytical mind. From a medicinal perspective, Mercury is Cold, Dry and Melancholic. Light, subtle, and mobile; the Nervous temperament.  A Mutable modality makes Mercury flexible, adaptable, ambiguous, restless, changeable.  Mercury is the brain, the mind, the nervous system and the psychic faculty.  The faculty of common sense. Resonating with the analytical mundane mind, Mercury enjoys agility, dexterity, cleverness; basic skills and competencies.  It rules communication and the Throat Center - hearing and speech, as well as Pneuma and the respiratory function, its element is Air.  Mercury relates to the arms and hands, and digital dexterity, the throat and thyroid gland.  We can understand its mental nature and temperament, according to sign, house, and aspects.  The intellect and intellectual faculties in general.  The Ideation process.  Transportation and commerce are also affected by Mercury's cycles, and it can also be the clever con man or trickster.  It plays a part in balance and homeostasis.

In Transit, Mercury is moving in retrograde from 14• degree Cancer on June 17/18 to 5• degree Cancer July 12th, influencing you to reflect, restore, relearn and resolve... or repeat.

In matters of home, family, and your emotional stability, the past will keep your mind. Nurture your inner peace with meditation.

What starts in thought as a great void, a changeless reality, is a way beyond appearances that goes toward Permanence in Truth. As you move through your opinions and a remembrance of the past, a strong will is required to face the issue at stake. As you shape your character, a revelation of latent worth rises from the experience once it is seen in its deeper meaning. Deconditioning starts with the ability to laugh, specially at once Self. Perfection takes craftmanship. Simply reach out with a pure and unconditioned mind to the simplest things natural life offers. It is a learning process. Creative imagination, operates within a realm often called "astral", contrasting the invisible with the visible, the dream and the ideal with every day reality. An instictual dedication of self to new forms of life. You will arrive to a karmic readjustment. All individual and relatively anarchistic or law-defying attempts are bound to fail, but man learns his lessons through destructive experiences.

Too complex? You"ll have a chance to transit the experience once more in foward movement. For now, reflect, restore, relearn, and resolve... or repeat.

To think might not feel as clear as it feels when you observe your sensations as they arise in your body with every thought, so slow your mind down by focusing your attention on your breath, until it concentrates. Then, reflect, resolve, restore, or repeat. What is unsolved will show up again for your mindful contemplation about how to best communicate how you feel and ask for what you need to negotiate your stability with intelligence.

Stability at home, can be felt as an opportunity for grounding change in the way you think about the past, and your opinions about what family is. Your state of mind will have no obstacles dreaming truths unsaid during this eclipse. Take care of your own needs, and turn into spiritual inspiration, poetry, music and art, or meditation, when reality gets to cagey, or too limiting. A higher universal consciousness is called for, as it is an uniting, hopeful, compassionate energy that can help you flow through the intangible of these surprising changes.

Escaping reality can be done through the mind, which is why Neptune is the higher octave of Mercury. So, your intelligent analysis of what is, because Mercury is retrograde, most likely can be confusing to you and others within the family, so do practice clarity, when you think, and when you speak, so communication serves all. A higher intelligence is called for, one of intuition, sensibility, and healing spirituality. These can help you transcend in meditation what otherwise can become Studio54.

Be mindful that alcohol, abuse, intoxicating the mind with drugs, lies and fantasies, is always an invitation to numb your sense of reality when the mind cannot find peace within. Are you ready for astral travel induced by intoxicants and done without consciousness and understanding? As you go on this path, be aware to not be an open portal that allow entities from other dimensions to attach to you or your house, you do not want to surrender your divine power to be alive on this Earth, as a human being.

Your mind is thinking about how to best transform, and renew from all this darkness around home with nurturing wisdom. The meaning of success is changing, you are being asked to change your mind about what it means to lead others successfully. Discipline and responsibility will take you through to the other side. It is all karma, and debts that we pay from past actions, so make sure you don't create new karma and new debts by imposing your opinions before your emotional well being, and listen to your heart.

Sometimes things happen that are nobody's fault, they happen to push you to try new paths, and do things in a new way. Through out this eclipse season, the initiative to heal an old wound is like pursuing happiness, it might not heal you forever and it might not make you happy all the time, but it is the path that is worth it, because when you do heal, you heal others, and when you pursuit happiness, you also generate it for others, so be brave and overcome your fears if you have to do it on you own. You can feel the need for rebellion, you might feel you do not want to submit your personal power at anything or anyone, and you might choose to fight and use your weapons as a way to get your independence through new experiences, so it will serve you to remember that it is courage what is needed to start again, and not control. It is the ultimate challenge, to release control, as the warriors' path is to guard the peace. And peace always starts with you.

Creativity can be medicine at home. Everything in the universe is light and sound, a vibration. To help the family, keep your mind in perfect equanimity and awareness, like a God or Goddess would. Cultivate stability, by slowing down to the natural peaceful rhythm of your heart beat. Focus your attention on the breath, concentrate your mind on one point of focus, and meditate while you learn from the teachings of ancient practices like astrology, medicine, music, healing, or meditation, to understand the truth and wisdom that arises from your experience.

You are your own refuge, you are home. Your house is the Earth, and all sentient beings are your family.

Reflect, restore, relearn, resolve... or repeat.

Better yet, #meditate.

- In geometric aspects, Mercury, is in sextile (60 degrees) to Uranus in Tauro, in trine (120 degrees) to Neptune, Ceres, and Nessus in Piscis, in opposition (180 degrees) to Pluto and the MC in Capricorn, in square (90 degrees) with Chiron, Part of Fortune, Lilith, and the Ascendant in Aries, and in conjunction with Apollo in Cancer.

The end is only the beginning, and Venus Retro has you re-valuating how best to magnetize your power of attraction, to bring balance, justice, and beauty into your life, through all your relationships.

Venus, who rules desire, beauty, the art of relationship, money and that to which you give value, is still retrograde and re-appears in the sky as a morning star after completing a Venus Star Point in full blossom. A new Venus 8 year cycle has just began, and what you value with love will be the seed of a new Rose of Venus in the sky.

From the medical point of view, Venus is slightly Warm and Moist - Sanguine; partially Phlegmatic.  It relates to the kidneys and genitourinary tract, and the Generative Faculty, especially the female reproductive system.  Mucous membranes of the respiratory, digestive and genitourinary tracts - exchange and contact; The throat and vagina - ingestion, acquisition, swallowing.  Female sexual response.  Saliva and mucous secretions - lubrication.  The tongue and the sense of taste, especially sugar and the sweet taste; The skin, hair and all aesthetic parts of the body;  The veinous blood and its circulation.  Glucose, blood sugar;  The thyroid gland;  Adrenocortical hormones, cortisol; Anabolic growth hormones. Sexuality, sensuality, attraction, the pleasure principle.  Love, romance, beauty, aesthetics.

Since June 15th, you can see Venus, along the 5 naked eye morning planets, in the morning sky, and your experience of this eclipse will prepare you for Venus forward movement, on June 25th, in versatile and friendly Gemini, in the second house of security, self esteem, material reality, talents, resources, and awareness of the richness that the simple things in life bring through the senses, in good company.

Desire is a force, and Love is the only power that magnetizes it. Who do you love? What do you desire? What do you value? How do you relate to others in order to make money? How do you love to keep balance and justice in all your relationships? Balance and Justice, balance and justice.

How do you love and value your self? How much pleasure you take in being you? Have you befriended your talents and resources as the heart that attracts to you what you want? Do you communicate to teach and learn about love? Do you have fun learning from others with an open heart? Do you value the ones who love you?

The realization that it is through relationship how you learn, and that nothing is as powerful as the energy of love, can be an intense awakening. Pamper your self esteem on this one. What you project, what you share, what you give and what you take, is always motivated by what you desire. This eclipse season removes all obstacles so you can re-align to the love force behind your wish; whether is love or money, if you want it you can experience how taking responsibility of your own desire can really bring you back your authority in all relationships. You can be the loving author of your own life, if so you desire.

Time is on your side, and gives you no obstacles once you take the initiative to heal all your relationships with courage until you you can call it a victory. Destiny will present you with opportunities to love and value your resources. Your commitment to good loving can inspire you to relate with healthy habits on a daily basis, and cultivate your security based on loving values . Remember, beauty, balance, and justice.

In matters of love and money... be fair.

- In geometric aspects, Venus is in trine Saturn in Aquarius, Vertex and Juno in Libra, and in sextile with Chiron in Aries.

What to do? How to act? What about your independence? What about your dream?

Mars, the warrior planet, ruling action, activity, courage, victory, initiation, entrepreneurship, pioneering, independence, and competition, at the moment fo the Eclipse will be transiting through dreaming and healing Pisces, in her 12th house of retreat, meditation, isolation, endings, all that is hidden and invisible, mental awareness, hope, inspiration, healing, compassion and spiritual transcendence, while squaring the Lunar Nodes of Karma (NN Gemini, SN Sagittarius in the 3rd and 9th houses, respectively) , who get activated each eclipse to re-align you with your purpose.

Action might not be clear, the impulse to escape is more like it. This energy is best used for inspiration and intuitive activity. Because it is happening in the 12th house, the art of doing nothing might fit perfectly. How is that done? Stillness requires concentration of the mind in one point. This means you are focused and have no time to think, which in itself is doing.

Events that are no one's fault will happen when something that was previously invisible and now is visible (for example you going out after quarantine, or the hidden truth coming to the surface, or a dream manifesting in reality) push you to explore a new way of communication, a new way of teaching and learning from your siblings, a new opinion about your surroundings. Your challenge will be to recognize which beliefs are not serving you anymore, so you can let go of you attachment to your philosophy of life, so a new one can arise from the truth and wisdom of the experience.

The idea of Social Service, Success and public image are fast changing. Old structures crumbled, and the innovation of discipline, responsibility, and determination, require that we start by changing the rules en evolving towards a collective revolution based in peaceful altruism.

Saturn, the planet of structure, rules, judgment, discipline, wisdom and responsibility, will be transiting futuristic Aquarius at 0 degrees, in the 10th house of success and authority, public image and social status, at the moment of this eclipse, squaring Uranus, the planet effecting radical change, in grounding and stable and persistent Taurus, in the 1st house.

Cold, Dry and Melancholic.  Saturn Rules the Melancholic humor and its functions: Retentive Virtue, calcium and mineral metabolism, structural repair, formation of bones, joints and structural connective tissue.  Saturn has a Melancholic influence on metabolism, favoring deficiency, aesthenia, wasting, hardness, stiffness, hypo function.  It rules the spleen - storage receptacle for black bile.  Associated with stone formation, calcification, lithiasis, all Melancholic pathology.  The ears and the sense of hearing.  The skin as the personal boundary and limit of the organism.  Rules the cycle of maturity and the aging process.  The seven year growth and developmental stages of the organism are the cardinal phases or quarters of Saturn's maturation cycle. The  Saturnine emotions are depression, cynicism, caution, prudence, pragmatism, misanthropy.  And it relates to the faculty of Memory.

By degree we can say that the concept of success goes from Capitalization to Contribution. The last degree, symbolizing A secret meeting of men responsible for executive decisions in world affairs speaks of the power to assume responsibility for crucial choices that arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power. This extends from the collective to the personal.

Interesting is to observe that the previous degree is described by the Astrological Mandala of respectable astrologer Rudhyar by saying the following: "We are all aware now of the work of secret committees in the White House and at all levels of the government. The student of esoteric philosophy believes in the existence of what has been called an "inner Government" which has the power to direct or guide the evolution of our planet and of mankind. Some people speak of "occult Hierarchy," or of the "White Lodge." Here again what is at stake is a "seeing through" the facts of telluric processes and human history — assuming that these facts are at least in part the outcome of the decisions of a supreme Council of quasi-divine Beings. Obviously the symbol can also refer to what occurs at the more ordinary level of business and politics. At any level, it refers to the highest form of social interaction. This is the last symbol belonging to Scene Twenty and related to the zodiacal sign Capricorn. We see in it the culmination of social responsibility and a reference to executive power."

Saturn is at the moment of the Eclipse, will be transiting retrograde through the 0* degree of Aquarius, asking us to integrate all lessons learned about wisdom, society, institutions, government, social work, popularity, and integrate understanding that "while the zodiacal sign Capricorn begins with a symbol of socio-political power, Aquarius at its start presents a more spiritualized and idealistic or creative picture of the social forces at work. Moreover, it stresses the enduring character of human achievements ensouled by a great vision. At least within the frame of reference of our Western civilization, the symbol speaks of the projection of a noble ideal into concrete forms of beauty and significance, thus of the radiation of a "civilizing" power into an institution offering to primitive men the opportunity to reach a higher, more organized and productive, level of activity. This is the first stage in the sixty-first five-fold sequence. It speaks to us of THE CONCRETIZATION OF AN IDEAL. This also implies the "immortalization" of an individual within a great collective and cultural enterprise.

In its geometric aspect, Saturn in Aquarius in the 10th house squaring Uranus in Taurus in the 1st house, pushes you to explore our experience of Social power and Success, in a way we haven't done before, and empower your own authority by forcing your through radical changes to evolve through altruism, the use of innovating technology (like a new way of using your mind), and the embracing of authentic Self expression that benefits a new grounding estability. In th most personal, it forces you to be a new you, pay attention to your innovative genious ideas, think outside the box, and revolutionize how you give your power by giving your authority to others. Authority means being the author of life. How do you author you life? To you lead? Or do you follow? Either way, to obey new rules that are wise and just to all society is in order. And yes, to learn how to use your apps to sustain life in society, and communicate with each other ina sustainable asltruistice way is a must.

Spirituality, growth, good fortune, optimism, joy and celebration are essential to expand truth and find meaning in all things.

Jupiter, the planet of growth and good fortune, is retrograde, and will be transiting hard working and succesful Capricorn in the 25* degree of her 10th house of success and social judgement, in her great conjunction with the wise of time, Saturn in 0* degree Aquarius; as well as conjunct to the lord of energy merging such as power, sex, shared money, ruling death, transformation, and rebirth, Pluto in 24* degree Capricorn.

The conjunction (0*) implies a direct contact with a different type of energy that reclassifies the energy to line up with this new energy. The conjunction can be a very unsettling aspect because we feel experience changing behavior patterns with- out necessarily feeling any real cause. This can lead into questioning our very sanity, or wonder if we are heading for a nervous breakdown, and so on.

In this grand conjunction, in retrograde, the contemplation due to karmic events can feel like an expansion of social judgment, and the meaning of leadership, in the face of transformation of personal and social power, while destruction, loss, and death pass through.

By degree, the reliance on tradition that Jupiter can offer calls for a higher perspective that transcends all frontiers and elevates the spirit. Jupiter rules the Sagittarius, and Sagittarius is at the moment the South Node of the Moon, aligning you to your purpose in life, by bringing changes in your life that push you towards changing your perspective until your philosophy of life feels once again like freedom. So we can ask What is Freedom? We know that truth is never absolute and always changing. As Elbert Enstein is quoted saying, "Everything that man ignores, does not exist for him/her. That is why the universe in each of us is limited to the size of our knowledge." A universal truth that very well can be remembered so we can exercise compassion and love, in all and for all. What is Freedom, if not the space to be you without disrupting others. A total commitment to a transcendent goal is calling you to believe in the possibility of reaching a world-transcending state of consciousness.

It is made available to individuals who may be variously motivated. To some it is an escape from the intolerable pressures of family and society; to others it represents the possibility of pursuing in peace a spiritual ideal to which the whole being aspires and is totally dedicated. The important point, in this phase of the cyclic process, is that the existence of an ideology expresses another aspect of the relationship between the society (its religion and culture) and the individual.

We see the paradoxical nature of the social process operating more strongly than ever. This derives from the fact that man's nature contains in seed the possibility of overcoming and transcending itself in acts of complete denials and of surrender to a "higher" Law or quality of being. All spiritual techniques are indeed paradoxical. Rigid discipline conditions pure inner freedom. The final goal is the attainment of TRANSCENDENT SECURITY.

OK, let's go back to the Self, by the way of the horoscope. The word horoskopo was used by the ancient which means, "Marker of the Hour".  It is the sign and degree of the zodiac that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment and place of birth. This is called the Ascendant.

Looking at the eclipse chart, we can see that the Ascendant is in 13* Aries. Courage, initiative, impulse, drive, sexual energy, warrior nature, your new experiences want you to win, do it without fear even if you have to go at it alone. You are healing, you are happier, you are independent and brave. You fight for what you want, and compete for the first place. Now this is fire element, cardinal, it does pioneer. Keep the peace, avoid discord.

Heal your sense of I AM, because whatever you put after those words becomes your reality, moment by moment. I am...moment by moment.


Dream dear, dream. So much fiery subconscious energy to channel, and dreaming is the healthy way of doing just that. You are healing, you are happy. Concentrate with attention in the old wound of identity, and heal it. Unsuccessful social protest is part of the times. An immature evaluation of the possibility of transforming suddenly the status quo, regarding happiness, show here for you.

Chill, action is better unseen. Stay still, floating in your idealism for a moment, as you connect intuitively with your higher consciousness with that ideal. Dream the dream. Do not submit to your ego, discord my be calling you for a fight. Compassion, empathy, one universal love is where the action is at.

Opportunities to grow, to work hard, present themselves, it is up to you to take them. Idealistic actions, oportunities to transform your sense of I Am. The opportunity to strategize, and make your space sacred. What you are going through is helping you become who you are, you are called to explore a new way of doing things, one which you have not done ever. What you say, and what you believe open a portal to your onw evolution and healing of the past. You can choose to stay still, or you can choose to pioneer and get first to the future. Either way, you win.


A new stability, or an earthquake? You tell us. Security based on your talents and the values behind your work, a high Self-esteem, is innovative. You don’t like change

To give your time to somebody else is the highest form of altruism. You are creating the Universe with that person, at that moment in time. Did you know that the universe is limited to the size of our knowledge? What we don’t know, we don’t know, but we still create it.

Serious relationships, wise love, if you may. Healing through the senses. Desire walks the ground with an artistic wave. One truthful asset? You are rich all the time. Value your Self, as beautiful. You are good company.

Things change all the time, so do you. Continue changing until change becomes your stability.


Moony. It must feel really bright from where you are. Enriching friendly efforts to ground through communication, information, intelligent mindfulness. Ideas from Home.

Family, is under your observation. You are contemplating what it means. It is OK if you change you mind. Go with the most nurturing idea. Something that fills good in the heart.

We are all going where you already are, be a good host to your neighbors, and befriend your brothers and sisters. Aren’t we all a big one family? Fun. Attracting beauty is so attractive.

Change, spirituality, death, events are pushing you to think about things in a way that you have ever have, a new way of thought that restores your happiness, a peaceful mind. Independence is a bitch, then again, you know how to handle bitches.

Use your words to nurture. Nurture.


It is Ok to feel a little spacey. A Solar Eclipse is happening in your sign. Mercury is here retrograde, and the summer solstice is here. The sun and the moon alight in the 0* degree, in the axis of the Earth, are you home?

Do you feel home? Where is home? Who is family? Where do I come from? Where are my roots? How do I take care of life, nurture it and protect it. Natural cleansing and a new beginning with a shot of vitality, creative energy, emotional healing.

To show your vulnerabilities, and think about new ways to communicate teach you to say how you feel and ask for what you need. Blessed be. This is your opportunity to transform, and go after your ideal without obstacles. You can take care of your own needs.

This is not about you, this is about not letting the Ego overpower your emotions. It is all about what you do.To say what you feel is easy. To act up it on the other hand causes friction, so do what you must. A man’s got do, what a man’s got to do, women too. How willing are you to sacrifice for your dream, and the ideal you keep dear as pure inspiration.

You do not want to let go of the past… but it is time to make new good memories, don’t you think?

Make a decision to be independent. Make a decision to succeed being a leader.


Anybody can speak their minds, but few have the strength to do it peacefully. Is that even possible at this point? Con la conciencia brillante, apagando un poco las emociones, cuál es la forma más vital de darle vida a este asunto que quieres cambiar?

Let me say that in English, With brilliant consciousness, turning of a little the emotions, which is the most vital way to give life to this deal that you want to change?

You are heard when you speak, so why aren’t you saying anything remotely peaceful? You want fight? Maybe you need to let that cagey feeling out of your organism. What is freedom, if not the space to be you, and shine like the Sun. Adoration is not admiration, which one you prefer to attract? Je t’adore

Healthy issues, feisty actions, will push you to isolation, do not become the victim. Be the dreamer, the idealist the compassionate and light.

Noble speech means you only speak truth, and only when it will bring harmony where there is none. Choose your words, be loyal to your royalty, no better king than the one who wants to serve.

A king, She is a wonderful king.

See what happened just now? Make a decision about leaving the past behind, and honor your power of will


Creating life, you go placing order to the out most detail. You are a shinny. Healthy habits start within the family. Lots of meditation on that topic lately. Family is family.

Destiny perhaps, your commitment to your work is the most practical way of life for you. Balance, justice, beauty.

Give it a thought, resolve, restore, relearn, reflect on every habit that roots you in your past, your ancestros, and observe the role it plays in the way you nurture you family.

What is the connection with the mother archetype. What do you think of your mom? Opinions and ideas are being reviewed carefully, because there seems to be confusion. But there are no obstacles to clarify the mind through a higher consciousness, some art and music, and a wonderful retreat from the mundane.

Nurture your ideas. Teach to protect. Work daily on it. Decídite y transforma. Decide yourself and transform.


You are are a world of beautiful ideas, full of romanticism. For you stability lies in the earth that you walk, barefoot. That is truly a treasure, true richness. What you value can be seen when you speak. Speak truth always, but only que what you are going to say will bring harmony where there is none.

Security, self esteem, resources, talents, the earth gives you everything. How do you keep the balance? How you make it fair and just? All relationships are a portal to the art of living. Cooperation is a great way to be a leader. Relate with others’ richness through your words. Think unity, say money, I invite you to my home.

You have the opportunity to heal the idea you have of your Self. Compete for the Gold. You have the diplomacy of a great leader.


You look for the balance of the two. You want fair relationships Truth is that it is all about your personal power at the moment, and how you can transform society by being you. Intense, possessive, delouse, you can kill with your passion, and that is dangerous if you spend too much time in the dark side.

Better yet, transform, and renew, let go of the losses, share your wisdom. Success will look completely different at the end of this cycle. Rules may only help empower you, otherwise no rules. Domination does look like you have gotten to the top of the mountain, and from there you can look down. Otherwise, we are all on the journey together.

Learn to share, by opening your mind while undergoing your transformation. You don’y need to be so in control all the time, Do you?

You have to make a decision regarding what you think. Transforming through your actions is an opportunity, good karma, growth. Dreaming is a profound way of transformation. Your strategy to flirt as a way to get what you want can work now, without obstacle. Even better, You can make it sacred. Get ready for some discord, and when it happens welcome it as an opportunity to exercise your power in peaceful ways.


360 degrees. How does that feel? 180? Better? You can try moment by moment, since it is all a matter of degree. Do not exaggerate, be noble. Communicate with Truth. How hard is that? Is it difficult for you to speak the truth?

Exactly, change your perspective, Truth should be something sublime that everyone can see. A successful climb to the top has to be all about your own nature, in nature.

Optimism is as enriching as order, command joyful obedience. Find reasons to celebrate life with every word you use. You have to believe in what you think, yes? Traveling the distance is a way to let go.

Determination and the opportunity to inspire the mind to dream and heal through art, a way of transformation. Strategies for success, abundance as a refuge. It is not easy to create the universe, but man it is a happy thing.

Change your perspective. Stand up on your head.


Transformation is the name of the game. You power will only increase if you bless your transformation with discipline, responsibility, helping others, real service. You are a natural leader, and your leadership is calling you to revolutionize the ground by innovating.

Technology is the way to go if you want to place order and build a new structure that changes with the Times, and for a good social order.

Stability keeps changing who you are, and you keep disrupting the nature of things through the electricity of your body and healthy relationships.

You are the future. Yes, the radicals changes are forcing you to command authority, you do not want to loose control to the masses.

Transform the order of things, the rules, the way of responsibility. No obstacles to face your destiny. Sacred Times. Lead wisely, in social service work with altruism.


Think different, out of the box. As you detach from your emotions, like you are used to do, you have the opportunity to speak your authentic opinions and inspire with idealism without obstacles.

Make de decision, either you transform how you think, or you will die with the same kin of thoughts that keep you up at night.

Free yourself from the collective, and embrace your individuality.

A new structure is not easy to build, first there most be a vision. Visionaries need space and time, and sometimes, reality checks. Your success has no obstacles, as long as you are being you with love, stability, grounding in your revolution.

Radical change is like an earthquake that shakes you to the most self expression of your Self, and your values. You are changing fast.


Inspiring actions start with good meditation, with retreat and active dreaming. Clarity is so important to look within, and really transcend reality by observing things as they really are, even if they are not what we want the to be.

What you see when you close your eyes, what you feel when you observe your sensations, it is all sublime and wakes up intuition and magic.

To shine like the sun by speaking your mind is not going to be easy. You might be dealing with deception, confusion, a delusional mind. Bring you attention to the breath, and purify your mind to the deepest level, by remaining still and act without obstacle in fair of your ideals.

You have the opportunity to dream big. The opportunity to transform and dissolve your ego is positive, will you take it?

It is all about Love. Look there first.

🙏🏼 For a personal exploration of this cosmic cycle, and how you can best transit these times, Open your Sky : send me your day, time, and place of birth to open your personal astral chart:


Bio: Besides being a home school mom, to an 8 year old boy, recording musician and published writer, I am a Yoga teacher with 17 years experience and 20 years practicing, after a lifetime of dancing. My teachers, PowerYoga Founder Bryan Kest, YogaWorks founder Richard Freeman, Vipassana Teacher S.N. Goenka, Vipassana Teacher Pat & Greg Calhoun, and Vipassana Teacher Adriana Patiño, have been instrumental in my formation as as a yogi Vipassana meditator. I serve Rocky Mountain Vipassana Meditation Center since 2010, as part of the Trust effort to continue organize meditation courses for new and old students. I am 47 years old.

As an astrologer, after a lifetime of studying the subject following my own intuitive curiosity (under the influence of my grandmother Judith, whose profession was that of a Tarot reader) I took a sabbatical year to dive deeper into the practice of Astrology, so I could unify the different astrology courses taken with different kind of successful practicing astrologers (Sarah Barab, Mia Pineda, Eric Francis, Dane Rudhyar, Alice O. Howell, Lisa Green, Bernadette Brady, Segundo Ruiz, Nichole Huntsman) with the variety of books on the topic I had read, and began serving others with my humble experience.

I hope you enjoy my combination of intuitive & predictive astrology, I call AstroYoga. May it be of service to you, may it bring you happiness, peace, harmony, and freedom.



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