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Full Moon in Virgo: Illuminating the details of the Soul: How can I help you?

Illuminating the details of the Soul: How can I help you?

Do you already know what you want? Yes, your intuition is telling you to get as far away from the abuse as possible. That you break the pattern. In a simple way ... that you no longer let yourself be abused, and that you no longer abuse others. Maybe, that's why you don't really know what you want. Healthy Distance is good to avoid all kinds of contagions, and distorted relationships can be viral bubbles of dis ease. Your intuition is always right when it tells you that a certain person is not good company.

In the higher consciousness of Virgo, the constellation that this Full Moon travels through from the Western perspective, feeling is a matter of purification. Serving others with your intelligence requires that your analytical process consider the details of the problem to be solved, with the intention of purifying the shadow, and detoxifying yourself from your attachment to control, from the obsessions of the mind, and from daring to be in the adventure of chaos to re-order your daily structure.

Integrity, order, purity, touching with the hands to understand with the mind, is the art of sculpting a beneficial reality adoc times of change. This full Moon shining in the VIII house of transformation and rebirth, is projected in opposition to the Sun in Pisces in the II house, changing your understanding of what you believe to be reality, by counting your treasures and valuing your wealth.

Neptune in Pisces, conversing with the Sun, awakens our subconscious to feel the inspiration of the wealth that you carry within. It invites you to use your imagination to transcend valuing your resources and simplify them until you feel the body, connect with your 6 senses, until you give value to your ability to use your hands, or feet, to believe in what you value, and land it. Grounded in the reality that your resources are your talents; because the Earth itself belongs to everyone, and it flourishes for those who work it, and enrich those who share it.
Your money, your strategies, your good fortune, your ability to trade, your synchronicity with fair and wise time, are not worth much unless you are sharing it with everyone, in a dynamic of exchange that revolutionizes the movement of the collective consciousness and awaken hope in humanity, starting with your own.

This Full Moon in Virgo responds to Mercury and Mercury is also projected in the II house in polarity with the Moon. Feeling your transformation is what will allow you to take off all the weight that you carry. Sometimes the intelligence must be purified to instinct.

What does your instinct tell you? Who are your hidden enemies? Who can you trust? What contracts deserve your commitment? Who helps you to be reborn when you give your energy to it? How do you illuminate your personal power? All these questions need your instinct to find an answer.

Listen to your heart, says the Sun, that is the Light that illuminates your path through what is not seen, the secrets, what is hidden. Listen to your heart to recognize the emotional manipulations that dominate you, whether they are your own or those of others. Magnetize your joy, your talent, your creativity, and shine with a brave heart.

Acting in these moments is a matter of initiative, and it will help you to stop resisting change. If you are going to submit to reality, let it be to the reality of your body, of good company, of beauty and the art of living in harmony with the simple things in life. Continue healing the words that define you, and thus take care of your own needs, saying what you need without losing your mind, in the daily becoming.

Do not expand your thinking so much, rather feel.

What you are observing in detail at this moment is the wisdom that arises from the experience of the time that you are incarnating, of the realities that you are manifesting in the self-expression of yourself, your leadership effort.

Something has to die to be reborn, and on this full moon what dies is what no longer makes you feel useful to others. How can I help you? That is the question that will bring you wealth. Give voice to your empathy, your idealism, your most dreamy and inspiring being, allow yourself to feel, intuit, create ...

Heal thought, heal your inner voice, heal your wisdom. This lunar cycle instead of wanting to advance to the future, or disappear from the past, feel; and when you feel, listen, and when you listen, imagine a world full of hope, because the muse of inspiration that only transcends in the idealism of healing dreams do not know linear time, their healing creativity transcends listening to your sensations in the now, carefully observing life in the details, ceasing to desire more and more, ceasing to reject what you do not want to feel, rather observing reality with equanimity as it is, understanding that everything in the Universe is impermanent, changing, and that the dissolution in which you find yourself is the divine teaching of the soul. I am, therefore I exist, and if I do not exist, I am not. Exist remembering that the Universe is always in your favor. Awaken your Faith. The healing comes natural.

Let yourself feel. Sound and light. Flow with natural time. Clairvoyance and telepathy is the smartest way to travel long distances. Awaken the psychic powers of the mind. Use your third eye, paint, channel, play music, and when you think of the other, feel only love and good wishes for peace, harmony, happiness. If not, forget, forgive, and start over and breathe again.🌀✨🌕

We are mirrors of Light.

#solenpiscis #lunaenvirgo #Theta # dreams   



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