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#Healing #NewMoon

The New Moon that will influence this phase in time, happens in the constellation of Leo at 9:41 CT / 8:41 MT - in the 26* degree. Blessed by an opportunity to evolve to the future, and let go without obstacle all those ideas that have frozen your actions for a while.

The energy of Leo, from the perspective of medical astrology, can be extreme mental worry and energy, anxiety, tense, inability to relax, so let's start by recommending an herbal healing is you feel this energies in you: VERVAIN flower essence.

The moon is receptive in nature, yin quality, and together with the Sun she represents the main power source of the body-mind that drive all its functions. This new moon shows up with the Ascendent (horoskope = the marker of the hour) in Aries, who resonates with Mars. Mars is the planet that resonates with how you fight to stay independent, and do what needs to be done to win being who you are in the competitive nature of things.

The temperament of the moon is Phlegmatic, the temperament of mars is hot, dry, and choleric. In Medical Astrology, mars fleshes out and expands on the core functions of the moon. The Expulsive Virtue of the Phlegmatic humor is at work in the moon energy, flushing out the old to make room for a new rebirth, in this case ignited by the Fire of your actions.

The moon has a Cardinal modality, initiating change and manifestation to protect something until it is matured, ripened, and ready to be released. Between other things, your emotions, instincts, and the subconscious mind, resonating with your regeneration through sleep and dreams.

Mars influences the active, cellular immunity and the immune response. Between other things, it gives you courage, bravery, assertion, the aggressive drive. It is behind your survival instinct, and sense of competition. Mars is the planet of physical body, its activity and expression. And it can also influence Negative Choleric emotions like anger, rage, irritability, impatience, envy, jealousy, and criticalness.

This moon can give you the energy to regenerate, replenish, and restore. Its conjunction with the sun can show you how your vital emotional energies are spent; but, with all the squares Mars is having today with the social developmental and outer planets - Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, all in retrograde motion- it will be wise to remember to breathe and calm your emotions when your anger and criticalness impatiently expand in the attempt to transcend all the limitations and suffering you are experiencing due to all the destruction, death, and darkness that has come to the surface and it is pushing you to do things different.

This new moon is about ✨healing✨. Healing that old wound that keeps showing up when you assert your identity, showing you that opening your heart to your vulnerabilities is a brave thing to do, it takes your warrior energy to hold your healing ground and heal your sense of ✨I AM✨, because whatever you say such affirmation holds your creative power.

And this new moon in Leo, in harmony with Mercury, is all about your creative ideas and your Revelation of Worth, your creative talent to put yourself at the center of life and draw others' admiration and joyful entertainment. This energy is all about showing your light, feeling your light, creating the light, to illuminate others with your loyal joyful trust in this divine idea we all call Life, which was created by the one higher power intelligence, based on the brilliant idea to create us in Gods' image.

After the heavy storm you see the rainbow. In the calm you can link above and below, in one's divine nature, the promise of immortality.

It is OK to feel like the king of the jungle, and create a natural healthy joyful ecosystem, where all sentient beings who are drawn to your magnetic field can co-create existence and thrive happily.

Blessed be

Happy new moon!✨



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