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Illussions of a Solar Eclipse June 10, 2021

What is true? Integrity is a virtue not easy to shake. This Solar eclipse i 19*Gemini, squaring Neptune in the eight house in Piscis, who is conjunct Pallas in a very close orb, squaring Vesta, an opposing Juno, while squaring Nessus… uff! It almost makes you want to better ride the cosmic trine with Saturn in all authoritative issues and find your discipline to get things in order.

The moon anew, ready to listen to your Seed-Knowledge, intuitively says: "If you listen to how you feel, you can be certain that your Guardian Angel will be talking to you through very clear sensations, and in all your relationships." When you do remember you can talk about it, you might have to transform it as an idea itself, but you can talk about it. The reflection of this Mercury Retro, also in gemini, might be then to ask yourself how do you honor how you feel, and still change your internal dialogue, which is the dialogue you have with life?

Reflecting, resolving, re-learning, repeating, remembering… all Mercurial in retrograde motion. A gemini mercurial cazimi with the Sun being eclipsed by this new moon, imagine that in the sky. What is showing up from the past that was not resolved and its demanding your attention so you can free up your mind and evolve the idea?

No more escaping… or you can disappear in the clouds of that dream, that ideal, that inspiring art that feels healing to each other. Hug yourself, come on, dance a little.

Looking at the astrology today, the tensions musicians, muses and entertainers, and bars and venues are experiencing do reflect the cosmic story. The Light of the Sun gets eclipsed, while the compassionate, the medic, the artist, the inspirer, the dreamer, the magician, the spiritual soul gets squeezed in a conflict with the authoritarian laws who say this is the way of evolution, if you want to evolve as a society.

OK, then, lets talk about this from the astrological perspective. In the Ten(X) house, of government, and success in the long term, mercury represents the mind of those who are authors of their own success. Their public image a way of being the one rulling. Hopefully, you are like the lion in the tree in a hot summer day, at the very least. But those who are busy building the new structure with innovating transformations on a daily basis, and who work on control itself all day long, through the exercise of the power they get paid to exercise, are pretty serious. They want to build the future, under their control.

Isn’t that a wild wild wild thing? So the question begs: Who are you giving your power away to and why?

What could you be doing with your own power to create a healing one consciousness, in unconditional love, cosmic unity if you may, without boundaries, always inspiring the Art of Living so we can all heal by our own inspiration. Be One.

Are you the artist? Or are you the one who likes to control creativity itself? Either or, you create the Universe you live in, usually with what you think, say, your ideas. That is the way to evolution, according to this solar eclipse. To talk about it. To be curious, to discuss the ideas and communicate, so we can trade our values and resources with stability. The root question in the X house is: What is success to you? Being You? What you value? Good friends? Peaceful Family? Bright Parenthood? Generouse Creativity? Body/Mind/Spirit Health? What is success to you?

What went dark for a couple of hours today, in you life, during the eclipse? What words were better kept silent?

Uf. No more escaping. It is all about Healing and that what you believe is medicine. Is it giving you security, stability, good company, music, does it let you work with your hands and build a sweet nurturing garden? Is it bringing you a good delicious meal? Is anybody hugging you?

What are you talking about when you speak with others? What do you say? What is your message? What is the idea that you are focusing your energy on? Speak up, say how you feel, ask for what you need, kindly. Be friendly, but be very very very clear. You want to resolve, re-learn, reflect, restore, remember, and shine your light, in its highest consciousness, for happiness, harmony, peace, freedom, for the benefit of all. Be happy.

What is your intention? In the absence of SunLight, you are the light.




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