As the entire world feels the tension build with this full moon with the need to expand values and talents in beneficial ways to ground true security and economic stability, a growing global awareness comes to the truth of what being rich really means. The value of true freedom is illuminated as the only meaning of the divinity of free will.
Deep power struggles with the manipulation of information are at the front of the transformation we are all experiencing. Moving through, friendly if you may, but illuminated are now the fast and breezy investments into the power of words and ideas and their effect in duality.
What is duality if not two different points of view? Not this! Not that! If you are wise.
Since you already felt it, we can now talk about it; While this full moon arrived within a global tension to take care of basic needs, people continue awakening to the principle of relationship. You are I, I am You, and we are the change, we are the stability, we are the new economy. Money, an invention of Men, is proving to be a not so good invention, as it has most of us slaved of its fluctuation and the value those in power justify with very complex math, as if you and I could not understand that the resources are the same, the people are the same, it is the value we give it that creates the illusion of inflation. So neighbors, brothers and sisters, are opening their traspatios and exchanging what they make with their hands, what the trees in their gardens produce, what their minds can teach.
True vocation is giving what you've got for the service of others. A song, a flower, a piece of bread, an embrace, a dress, a poem, a leap of faith that gives the other the inspiration to make the effort. I believe in you say people to each other, as they go about starting again, and building the future...together.
Mercury, who is guiding the Sun's journey through gemini, activates in the 1st degree the mutability needed to transform our contracts, our deepest relationships with the strategy that helps us evolve in the most altruistic renewal. We are One. And One + One are two. And how does Two come back to being one? That. is what Chiron is focusing on, putting you at the center of the mission to heal your joy, your creativity, your raw power, your own light. Roar, Chiron says, succeed being you until you get the applause of those who admire you, for the benefit of the kingdom.
In 15* Aries
For the modern man who is hungering for symbols of a state of living in total harmony with the universe, the traditional Indian Waver can be glamorized as the answer to the inner emptiness of the city-dweller surfeited with artificial values. At any rate, we may thus prefigure a future state of fulfillment in conscious harmony and unpossessive love. Implied is the profound fact that every individual has as his ultimate conscious task the weaving of his "immortal body," his Robe of Glory. It may sound very mystical and "far out," but there is a moment in every cycle when, in however small a degree, every individual may be confronted with the potentiality of a fulfilling act of self-realization and may, ever so relatively, find himself "clothed in light" for an instant.
This stage tells us that that the FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE is a possibility, at whatever level and in however incomplete a manner it may be experienced.
As we transit the fulfillment of our desire, Mars and Chiron arrive in the astrological mandala to the symbolism of 'NATURE SPIRITS ARE SEEN AT WORK IN THE LIGHT OF SUNSET.
with the KEYNOTE: Attunement to the potency of invisible forces, of nature.
In the light of personal fulfillment (symbol of sunset and wisdom) man may be able to establish a life-giving contact with natural forces. These are active any time growth processes take place, but man's individualized mind is usually too focused on working for consciously set goals to be able to realize concretely the presence of invisible (or "occult") forces in operation. These forces constitute a specific realm of any planetary life. They are inherent in all "biospheres," on whatever planet. They are non-individualized and un-free energies forming in the substratum of all life processes - thus of the process of integration at the level of the planet-as-a-whole, i.e. the planet as an organism with its automatic systems of growth, maintenance and organic multiplication. In this planetary organism those nature forces act as guiding and balancing-harmonizing factors - somewhat as the endocrine system does in a human body, and behind this system the more occult web of chakra energies related to prana - the solar energy. It is when this energy becomes lessdominant - thus symbolically at sunset - or when the body energy is weakened by illness, fasting or sensory deprivation, that it becomes easier to perceive these "nature spirits" and to give them forms that symbolize the character of their activities. These forms differ with the cultural imagery of each human collectivity, retaining nevertheless some basically similar characteristics.
When this Sabian symbol reaches into the consciousness of a man seeking meaning, it should be seen as an invitation to open his mind to the possibility of approaching life in a holistic and nonrational, intuitive manner.
This is the first stage of the fourth five-fold sequence of cyclic phases. It implies a call to REPOTENTIALIZATION. What this means also is the process of "becoming like a little child." '
Sure, rules, control, governance, old traditions, the rigid leaders who want to limit what you call home and family, principles of ancestral healing and, if you let them, the soul; patriarcal control addicts, or perhaps very wounded men and women in their own projection of their distorted concept of what being man/woman is, and their daddy issues have them continue to play "dad" to society, while scolding us all very seriously commanding us to come back to their order, or they take away our freedom.
Wait until Venus reaches 26* Taurus, where Algol awaits, Medusa's head, who will serve as a protective shield to the loving Venus. Those who dare to stand on the way of beauty and love, may very well turn into stone. Not for nothing she is at the moment in the same degree of Taurus along with Pallas, whose diplomacy is and politic strategy has no pair. Advising Venus in the 20* degree about The awareness of spiritual forces at work. This is the fifth stage of the tenth five-fold sequence. It concludes a process, having experienced which the individual should find themselves more securely established in their own original nature, receiving the BLESSINGS of super-natural forces. Love, harmony, balance, beauty, union, justice, as forces of evolution. Love always wins. Notice your Subservience to collective values, while you learn what in your culture and religion is meaningful to you personally.
A war is always fought somewhere... usually a war within. In the six house, of illness, Mars conjuncts Chiron, with the initiative to fire up whatever passions you need to activate, courage being the first one, to heal the inner wounded child. Whoever told you you couldn't heal, is wrong. Whoever said you are not healthy, is mistaken. There is nothing healthier than the human body. The highest technology, the electrical magnetic being. It is your awareness that needs medicine.
The sun in gemini, with all its curiosity and thinking with the intention to learn and teach, might be move too fast for us to quite comprehend all the information the information we are receiving. So take this one for the road:
Awareness is all in the present moment. Your breath is your present moment. Be aware of your breath, natural breath, as it is, if it flows through the right nostril, let flow through the right nostril, if it flows through the left nostril, let flow through the left nostril, if it flows through both nostrils, both nostril it is. Focused on your breath, observing your sensations (the language of the body), arise and pass away, you will understand how transient all is. No me, no mine, no I, just the breath, the source of life, the here and now, where you can notice your emotions before they take away your equanimity in a wave of reactions which usually end in actions you later regret...when you emotion changes, and you feel different, and your breath has changed... words are spells... be mindful with how you use them with your voice and your mind. Only use them when what you are going to say is true, and only when they are necessary and beneficial. Otherwise...freedom is to live and let live. Be quiet and listen.
As far as taking care of basic needs, Juno and Nessus in the same degree 16* Piscis in the V, tell us in the way they are aspecting other celestial bodies, that we are all committed to have a face to face with the abuser archetype in us all; an opportunity is at the door of the soul, to let go of that which is no more beneficial, to let go of your hatred, your resentment, your desire for revenge, the trauma which turns you into the abuser. Instead, the opportunity is to commit to shine your light in a creative spark of forgiveness; and let your giving nature, your compassion, your unconditional love, your meditation, become the healer. For Give - that is what you are here to give.
Then, you will be able to rely upon your inner source of inspiration or guidance, where there is The individual aspect of the creative process emphasized, as is the individual's need for concentration and at least inner quiet. You must have faith in your own SUBJECTIVE STRENGTH. The source is above, beyond, but also around the individual creator. The inspiration, original and individual though it may be, is given a form which is conditioned by the cultural, social and religious background of the creative person. In a sense, every genius merely records an answer to the needs of his time. The hands that write, play an instrument, or mold a plastic material are his own; the urge or drive back of the flow of inspiration has arisen in the vast collective mind of Man and the Woman.
The Collective dominates the Individual, Yin overpowers Yang. It is a time for conformity to what constitutes the highest ideals of one's culture and for PARTICIPATION IN COLLECTIVE PEAK EXPERIENCES. this symbol emphasizes the value of attuning one's life activities and moods to the ritualistic patterns of society or Earth-nature, rather than acting in complete independence from the group. Connect with others.
Blessed be, if you actions are beneficial, you have God's blessing; Jupiter is keeping en eye on your adventure, keeping the divine fire expanding the feel of true freedom in your heart. Feel.
love always,