Mars enters Virgo : Purification begins
I will start by saying that all battles are really a reflection of the battle within. When we fight others, we reflect the battle we fight within.
This being said, Virgo, the virgen, activates the warrior’s integrity to act with precision, focused on detail using a high analytical intelligence that is based on its practical observation of facts with the efficiency that is needed to solve problems. To do this, Virgo uses the art of the Critic. In the first degree of virgo the first stage of the thirty-first five-fold sequence of symbols begins and its Keyword is DISCRIMINATION. Implied in discrimiation is both analysy and intuition. The mind separates and identifies - and unfortunately often exaggerates - what makes a person or a situation different from another; but the intuitve responses of the whole person to what confronts him or her is also essential, for what matters is not only my or your "difference", but the place and function this difference occupies in the organic pattern of the evolution of "humanity as a whole," i.e. of Man..
Critical thinking is not to be judgmental, but analytical. Remember this, as you walk through the information that Virgo’s influencer Planet, Mercury, brings in a rapid flow. Mars, in traditional astrology considered a malefic planet, is involved, so you will want to avoid inflammatory information that ignites your violence, remember the whole intention of Mercurial Virgo is to communicate with integrity; a positive beneficial away to use Mars; energy, is to rely on your courage to go beyond where nobody dares to go, and lead others into a pioneering effort… in the case of Virgo… to purify all information regarding body and mental health, and move into habits that really serve your everyday.
May your inner warrior act with courage when facing the truth, as you realize the conflict brought by the moon in Taurus and its opposition with Jupiter retrograde in the critical degree (29) of Aquarius; as Mercury opposes Saturn and squares Uranus and the MidHeaven (MC) in Scorpio, and it also opposes the AC (Ascendent) in Aquarius. These are all challenging aspects in the astrology of the moment, pushing you to consider how you feel by connecting to your senses, let the body speak and tell you what it needs you to do; the benefits that you expected to receive by doing what the other is doing might not show as you expected as indicated by the critical degree sustained in retrograde motion by Jupiter in Aquarius and the technology innovation it represents showing you that you were too optimistic in your expectation. Your intelligence is telling you otherwise of what authority wants you to think, and the challenge is to think different, be authentic and genuinely revolutionary as you detach your emotions from a collective vision of the future, an embrace freedom as a priority when innovating the new. Mars conjunction with Vertex can give you a feel of destiny, nonetheless Mars is all about independence from the collective influence of the elite. Sometimes is worth the fight. The angrier you feel the stronger indication that detoxification is needed.
Today, you can take confidence in the feeling of Mercury harmonizing aspects that trine and sextile the Nodes of Karma (the nodes of the moon), as your thoughts and movement face resistance from the leaders of society when you attempt to speak up; rest assure that you are learning from this interaction with the other the value of being a free thinker. Trust that the opposition, in contrast with the square, always leaves the choice to you. The keyword the ascendant in evolutionary Aquarius gives you for this analytical critical thinking is: Freedom.
May your purification be beneficial to you and everyone else, and may you win the battle with integrity towards the realization of the Aquarius' era most important teaching: The Body/Mind Natural technology is the highest technology there is. Beware of any artificial manmade software you decide to use from now on that promises to “enhance” your human nature…there is a reason Uranus, the ruler of technology, is in Taurus through these times, to remind you to humble down and connect with your earthly sensorial nature for grounding and stability. It is in your earthly values where you will find the equilibrium through out change.
As above so below, the planets in the eye of time keepers tell the story of humanity, and with this mathematical aspects the astrology is telling us that is simply our awareness of reality what needs to evolve; when it comes to the divine human design, listen to your soul… and stay true to your natural healing.
If you want to know how these planetary aspects resonate with you personally, open your natal chart where you can see the exact location of all planets in the sky at the moment you were born, and through analysis using timing techniques suh as transits and progressions, find yourself in time. Inbox me.
