Be brave.
#Mars is on the move. Time to be assertive, and Self Centered in #patience. Be Direct and StraightFoward.
Action needs vision, and vision needs #meditation. Aggression is a battle with the Self. Fight and honorable fight. Like my teacher Kelly Surtees so wisely said to me today: you have the right to refuse something without punishment, judgement, or recrimination. You have the will to having your desires and needs to be heard and respected. And connecting with your courage helps you protect against an attack.
Healing requires you to aknowledge when you are angry. Feel it to heal it. The teaching under this Mars climate is to communicate how you feel and ask for what you need, as friendlier as possible, with a youthful mind.
Today, as you illuminate profound transformation, when you feel absence of light, recognize in wisdom this is as a call to detox and to follow your intuition.
Trust, mainly your Self, so assertivly that your personal power bonds you to your inspiration to be a source of healing. Be the #dreamer #Sensei
of #freewill. Write poetry if you must tell the story.
To trascend reality so you can gain a new perspective takes #soul, so you follow only those rules that honor your sovereignty to be the authority of your own life. Innovate your idea of Death. Your ideas are the future. Defend your #independence Compete to collaborate. Renew social order in Unity of Consciousness for an altruistic humanity.
Follow Mars advice: Notice when your body says NO and use your WILL to Free Your Self. You are bound to succeed if you follow your dreams.
Pay attention to your breath, with one point focus use your mind to observe your sensations, and honor the wisdom that arises from your understanding of reality as it is, as it is, and awake your compassion because it might not be what you want it to be.
Affirm your I AM with warrior energy and guard your innr peace with the correct inderstanding that in this Universe there is no "I, no me, no mine" and that the ultimate reality is the law of impermanence. Relax in the idea that "this moment" will also change. Then Open your Mind to Win. ✨🧘🏻♀️✨
