Mindfulness… or mind full ness … which is it? One is your mind focused on one point, and on point of attention only; the other is your mind full of… ness.
All things Mercury, relate to the mind in one way or the other. Mercury’s electromagnetic activity resonates with the mind, in its development, in its education, in its analysis, in its intelligence and ability to think and speak. All things related to communication and movement, belong to Mercury: short travel, transportation, writing, talking, learning, and unlearning.
That is why when Mercury is retrograde, the mind goes into the past to resolve, restore, retreat, unlearn, and learn how to communicate better, and when is better to move.
Since commerce is an activity that is based on the interaction of friendly ideas, commerce is also resonant to Mercury’s behavior in the sky. In astrology, Mercury rules communication between siblings, neighbors, and your immediate surroundings, besides being the influence in your physical health, and practical intelligent daily habits, one could say your work on a daily basis.
Mercury likes to be practical, smart, and pays attention to the details and the order of things in the analytics process of an intelligent interaction. Attention to detail requires a focused mind.
In an Universe where everything is vibration, you are what you think, and hence to know Mercury’s transits will help so much in the relationship you have with your own mind.
Today, Mercury is transiting Cáncer, in the 7th house for everyone (You can investigate in which house it transits for you, to narrow its specific influence in your own life story.) The 7th house is the house of relationship, marriage, partnerships, open enemies, what you project in others, when you look for balance and justoce in your relationships one on one.
At the moment, Mercury is reminding you that your mindfulness about family, home, and your heart stability and emotional well being, is essential. Your relationships need to be nurtured, and protected from all negativity.
By geometric aspects, the tensions that are arising are the result of anger and the fights everyone is battling due to actions of the past. The current events are forcing you to do things in a way that you have never done before, and communicate one on one, with a more nurturing and sensitive way. The opportunity to change and innovate your creativity and your relationship with your children with an authentic energy presents itself, will you take it? Can you use your words to sparkle love life if it was for the first time? Can you shine your own light with love, in benefit of your communication with those you love?
Healing starts in the mind, and tensions may be arising when you think from a hurtful place, from a wounded idea of what relationship should be. Courage to show your vulnerability to others in your family is where healing starts. Lower down your defense mechanism and remember that it is love what matters. Be fair.
The decisions you are forced to make at the moment might be done more by curiosity than foreseen the consequences of what you choose, some decisions required nothing else than for you to decide how to treat your mind and Self as Sacred Space, and honor wisdom. You must decide between nurturing your ideas about relationship within the family, and expanding your beliefs honoring your freedom to be who you are. Remember, Mercury in the 7th house wants balance, justice, and beautiful love. The tensions that arise at the moment, can be related to your relationship with success, and what you think being successful means. These transits want to remind you to stay committed to your happiness, so you can generate happiness for others as part of your transformation. As you start communicating with all your relationships with clarity and love, you can feel the nurturing that a balanced relationship gives to both parties, and heal the past.
Mercury Direct, by degree, at the moment resonates with an instinctual dedication of self to new forms of life. A deep unconscious cooperation between different levels of existence.
Blessed be. ✨
