The Human Being, in ignorance of his/her own nature, believes that he/she has to use psychedelic plants to lucid dream and dance under a tree.
Neptune and Jupiter are getting closer to their exact conjunction on April 12; great to transcend the limits of your beliefs -those that trap the soul in material reality- and educate yourself by studying meditation and the medicinal nature of the body/mind relationship (matter and energy) subatomic particles and frequency waves that translate into sound. The healer musician and the planet of divinity arrive in good timing. God in every note, god in every word, god in every melody. Love and compassion.
When you stop making judgments, and qualifying based on your expectations, you will understand that to dance you only have to move the body, and the heart continues to make way for the soul, your inspiration is the tree itself. And you will dream lucidly when you want to because you will not be lost in the human dramas that trap your divinity.
