Dreams are what the world is made of. We are God's dream. What do you think God would feel if waking up now, from this dream we call humanity. I imagine God would say: "Oh, yes, I can feel it now, #Neptune is going #retrograde! Sorry, guys, I wasn't thinking very clear, I was dreaming a lucid dream trying to dissolve my ego listening to your poetry. I wasn't thinking very clear, then again I was asleep. Now I am awake, I forgive you."
Neptune goes retrograde Jun 23, all the way to November, from 21*degree to 18* of Pisces. If you feel like waking up from a dream, and the delusion of reality dissolves, when suddenly your intuition can see the tricksters and lairs hidden behind the veil, and Mara trying to lure you to the fantasies of pleasure, ego and vice, when your mind returns from that sublime escape, and clarity becomes your meditation, be like God in spiritual awakening; feel divine unconditional love and compassion as strong as ever, no sacrifice can do the magic, you must forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.
This new evolution is just about to begin, like a presentiment of the mother-feeling, you are about to experience an emotional discovery of Hope. Hope can only be felt. Nourishment of the consciousness of the soul promises a fulfilling end to whatever one has been undertaking. ✨ Meditate. ✨ The supreme technique necessary for the continuation of all manifestations of power and spiritual understanding. The time has come for the individual to dare to present himself and his works to his community for applause, or for the purpose of attracting a following. And then… Meditate, Nourish the Soul.. you will feel once again in transcendence, pure divine H o p e.
You are a seer of a vision of inner tranquility that feels like heaven.
To die is to let go of life, and to let go is not to say goodbye, is to say t h a n k y o u.
We are ONE with the Universe. We are ONE with God. We are ONE.
Neptune takes about 164 years to do a complete revolution around the Sun, thus spending about 14 years in each sign of the Zodiac. Neptune moves into retrograde approximately every year for around 150 days.
Mantra for these times
