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New Moon Sun Awareness 1 april 2022

Lets begin by saying that we cannot see the moon without realizing the Sun. You know, the moon only reflects sun rays, that is why we can see her. Or him, as in some traditions the moon is considered masculine, and the Sun feminine.

It is true that some ancient practices use the moon for magical rituals, while the Sun is the one we approach to awaken full consciousness. It is the one who illuminates the journey that calls our conscience to be able to enlighten us. Illumination happens before the light, because it illuminates what needs to be seen as it is, and not because of the emotions created in its reflection.

As you reflect during this new moon on your intention, and that which you want to see grow in your next natural cycle of emotional healing, which is what the moon serves us for, you might consider this as the past arises, as it naturally does when the moon activates subconscious activity.

It is all a body/mind relationship; the sun being the center of the system vibrates towards you reaching you in solar flares (we just had a solar storm, did you feel it?). This it is knowledge shared by ancient Mayan tradition and Vedic tradition, both witnesses to how solar flares affect cognitive activity in the brain, as we continue to h understand about our electromagnetic body, characteristic of being human.

So, the fact that this moon is transiting the constellation of Aries ints New Phase, tells us that the Sun is illuminating the same degree that the moon is transiting. Today that is the 11*30’ degree of Aries in Tropical time, western astrology. In clairvoyance, it can be said that this energy is a centralization of power that takes you towards Cosmic order.

Aires is ruled by Mars, the energy of the warrior who fearlessly leads the battle until victory in the courage to transcend the unknown with passionate, impulsive and independent actions; Simultaneously, Mars transits the 19*31” degree of Aquarius, which leaves its energy at the disposal of Saturn and Uranus, because Saturn and Uranus are the ones that magnetize the celestial zone of Aquarius and playing a leading role in how they affect nature in the earth, which includes you. While Saturn asks from mars to be wise when it comes to aggression and anger, in the awareness that this is a battle for your individualism, advising you that most of what you are experiencing as you try to assert your identity as a leader of your own victory is karma; Uranus sparks a sense of rebellion from authority in honor of an authentic change that build a future. There is a sense of indomitability that takes you towards the certification of your individual worth and victory.

Time travels in a spiral, and the spirals return in what appear to be circles, but they are not, since they never return to the same point. In other words, you have felt this energy before, many times, and with many people; What is the difference in this moment of war that is calling you to heal your emotional wounds?

And why do we talk about healing... well, there is a stellium in the sky with this conjunction of sun and moon that also includes Chiron, who is in transit in the 12th degree of Aries, all in conjunction with Mercury, the young planet that influences the nature of the mind, its thoughts and opinions; and consequently your way of moving, trading, playing and communicating; It must be understood that the messenger, which is of a neutral energetic nature, takes the expression of those other bodies that are close to him. What is the message you receive about your own healing journey in this new beginning?

he new, the new, the new; you have the opportunity to start over. Will you choose magic as a manifestation power? Or will you choose the enlightenment of Mindfulness and Equanimity, on the path of consciousness? Your experience will be completely different, and the time you use is life time that is diverted in understanding what it really is in favor of your independence as a being of Light. The ritual is a natural expression of evolution and always depends on other entities (as the moon does), full consciousness is the path of light, and light you already are, the power is yours. Some worship, while others cultivate their own cosmic power by shining with their own light, in the effort to be who you are without needing someone else to enlighten you. A correspondence between the two planetary energies could be balanced, if you are able to understand that the energy works better when instead of manipulating it, you simply observe it in the learning of simply Being. On the one hand you have your needs, and on the other your own. wishes; Are you communicating both in a healthy way in the drive you feel to win this battle?


A multiple planetary square occurs at this new moon between this stellium and the Ascendant at degree 5* Capricorn. The mobilization of physical and emotional energies in a spirit of conquest could suggest that aggressiveness is necessary, to establish the bases of what will come later; keep in mind that what follows will be a threshold where you will have to pause to safeguard your progress. The crisis you find yourself in may feel at odds with a fresh start, and you most likely want to lead by example as if you were the boss. Control, control, control, as you walk the earth trying to control the experience, especially if you want to win, it can be frustrating for you because the reality is that you will have to let go of your anger as you act for what you want if you really want to get to the top of the game. issue and emerge victorious.

Mars, who exercises leadership in this lunation, is in conjunction with his ruler, Saturn, and his beloved Venus, with whom he has been dancing a tango for the last couple of months in the fight to be the one to take the lead in the relationship. . A powerful conjunction that influences this stage of changes towards the new. Unifying, harmonious and wise actions are the highest expression of this energy, while you will notice the shadow in relationships that base their passion on the control of the structure that builds the union, and consequently divides it in the need to become independent of the other. I have said it before and I will say it again, if you are to be at war, let it be the war of the Bhagadvagita, in the battle of mastering yourself in the true victory of the warrior, with actions that result in inner peace, that is the peace of all. Will we be able to give ourselves peace?

The multiple planetary opposition between the stellium of the Sun, the Moon, Chiron, Mercury, all in Aries, and the midheaven (MC), is happening in house III; the house that is noticeable in your communication, your thinking, your interaction of ideas and opinions, your teachings, your curiosity, your playful energy and your movement in the close environment. It will help you to know that oppositions in astrology are often expressions of the energy between people. Start a new cycle with those in your immediate environment, such as siblings and neighbors, as recorded by the third house of the zodiac. The houses are divisions into 30* degree segments of space to identify the observed influence of the constellations in the sky and how they project into different areas of your life. This according to the natural cycles observed from the earth through civilizations and times. With this new moon we also see part of the house III in Pisces with Jupiter in degree 21* and Neptune in degree 23*, in close conjunction, preparing for the great conjunction that affects the next 12 years. Time to bless the dreams that we dream, because the collective consciousness is out there without really understanding how to weave the world for the benefit of all and not only in our own experience. It's time to forgive and celebrate that we can be brave and independent and still do it with compassion and generosity.

Transformation requires effort, that is the message from Pluto who during this lunation will continue to transform the way you conduct yourself on your own journey. Pluto is also at the disposal of Saturn, and when he stiffens, he destroys. Wisdom will emerge in self-mastery. At the moment, your treasure is your relationships and the courage you apply to evolve over time as a free thinker and a revolutionary of your own individualism. The change is noticeable at home, within the family, where Uranus at degree 12* Taurus continues to apply stability as the focus of his change. At the disposal of Venus, the beneficial planet that seeks union in the balance of justice and beauty of the art of living with love; Stability in the eyes of Venus is nothing but harmony with those you share, in fairness and enjoyment of the simple pleasures of life, good company in these times can be a door to the soul.

This new moon begins the season of eclipses, at its maximum expression around May 15; it is time to recognize your need to align with your true purpose in the evolution of your spiritual journey. Why did you choose to live in these times? The North Node of the Moon in the V house, resonates with the power of change through your creativity, your romance, your relationships with your children, in justice and the balance of the art of living being your most beUtiful you.

Friendly learning every day, cozy relationships, you at the center of your transformation, healing as you purify what you believe to the detail, success is evident when you are in harmony with all your relationships. Wisdom arises in the collective, through the transformation that happens in groups, freeing the subconscious mind with the truth.

It might help to know that there is no particular section of the world, nor any special group of people, that may claim truth as an exclusive heritage. It is the rightful possession of every person, and constitutes the equality of all souls before God. “If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” Truth is mighty and shall prevail!

The chart of this new moon is a Bundle shape, which means all of the major planets are focused into a 120 degree area. The energy is Self contained, highly subjective, with a strong personal point of view. You’ll do good focusing on the areas of life where planets are transiting: You, your treasures, your teachings, your home, your family, and evolve towards the future creating the Now.

The MC in Libra says: love, love, love. Love is the mission, love is success. From the union strength is born, and harmony is the destiny of all.

The cardinal mode is dominant, so it is time to spark and begin whatever it is you want to manifest in this cycle, with your own effort and under your own responsability. Since the top right and top left quadrants are empty, it is mostly about you, your body, your mind, and your soul. Like the night, honor your time of rest.

With the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Chiron at Nadir, it is time to enlighten, evolve, move and heal in the process of change, themes of the heart, refuge, until you feel good in your own skin, and recognize that the home is where the heart is; this is the end of a life and the beginning of a new beginning.

Venus in Aquarius and Urano in Taurus are in mutual reception, so if there is anything you are ready to change in your relationships for the benefit of your stability, it is as good timing as it gets.

With Neptune in Pisces, its own sign, in house III, the dreams you weave are evident in your way of speaking and communicating with others, and in your teachings and learning, in the flirtatious curiosity of the game of life. It is the unconditional love that is sacrificed for the cosmic union. The limits are not clear, but we can agree that in these limit times it is something that we no longer want. It's time to flow and inspire, and transcend reality with the soul. Even better if you are clear that meditation and noble silence can be the most inspiring form of peace. Keep in mind that victimization, addictions to substances that alter the natural state of the mind to escape from reality, are the shadow of this energy. Perhaps it is time to listen, and return to the clarity of a peaceful mind.

Do you see the red lines on the chart? They show us the square angles that affect Saturn (the higher energy that guides this new moon) and the Ascendant in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn). The advice is simple: release control... that is the final challenge of the warrior... peace.

So be it, and live in peace, for the benefit of universal peace. Thank you for your light.



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