In clairvoyance, we observe that this New Moon, which conjuncts the Sun and the Moon in the 12* degree of Piscis 12* is conjunct the MidHeaven MC 2* Piscis; setting the goal as our destiny, a mission towards The individual's need both to ensure his future subsistence and to protect himself from aggressive social elements.
2* Piscis The need for Self protection and caution is ever present. Social processes always cast strong shadows, The individual is never certain of being safe among his fellowmen, once the process of individualization — with its negative aspects, competition, social aggressivity and greed — forces the breakdown of the organic tribal state of mankind during thearchaic ages.
12* Piscis The seed you plant this new moon faces the The ever-repeated challenge presented to the individual by the group in which he has claimed acceptance — the challenge to prove himself and his ability to assume responsibility effectively. Are you qualified?
Once that is settled, Through the effectual use of his will a consecrated man can become a symbol of courage for all those who follow in his footsteps. The individual must then use that WILL POWER, yet it is not really his own once he operates at a spiritual level. It is God's will operating through his mind which focuses its thrusts.
This being said, let's begin from the higher wider perspective, the intangible, the trascendental place, the subconscious, the mind, that which to be seen must be felt and intuitively foreseen.
Urano in Tauro closing its embrace with ALGOL fix star, an alignment that you can recognize because you can feel as if you were "loosing your head"; Urano in Taurus, change towards a new stability, revolution of what needs to be innovated individually as to electrify humanity towards intelligent evolution based on the technology of the body. Hands On. But, here it is in Fall dignity. What can you do to give your mind a sense of safety, when the ground you are on is moving fast and hidden enemies - and remember no one is your enemy, everyone is your friend, it is your own mind that can work against you when there is no awareness and it is running subconsciously. Spirituality at the most practical level, you are terrestrial, you have a body, your body has a relationship with your mind, and the body works with the breath, which focuses your mind's attention to one point of focus, which allows you to feel your sensations, and sensations are your compass when making a decision. Pleasant sensations, or unpleasant sensations, they arise after an stimulus happens via your senses, your mind responds or reacts (depending on your awareness) and you make decisions. And Urano, which is all about the future, wants you to awake to the truth that the future is all about what you decide NOW.
Still squaring Saturn, it brings you into a crisis that requires you to change. And change is an opportunity to observe yourself and others, until wisdom arise. Wisdom is all about timing, discipline, determination, focus, building a solid structure that will last in the long term, as you lead society towards a new stability.
Saturnia in Aquarius, feels at home, rules the sign, and responds to herself, while ruling society and altruistic elites along with Urano. Saturn leads and everyone better start following.
It can help you to remember that Urano in Tauro is at disposition of Venus, the benefic planet of union in relationships through the air element that manifests as desire, the magnetic field that attracts anything you desire towards you, if you use a healthy ammount of love. Venus helps you to harmonize, to balance, to unite, be just and embrace beauty, good company, and the simple luxuries in life... such as nature.
Now, with the yuddha (war) going on between Mars (the planet igniting the couragous warrior in you) and Venus (the planet used to foresee the cycles of war from a balance and just unifying principle to harmonize and beautify your relationships), both at the moment in the same degree 27 Capricorn, are also at disposition of Saturn... the great Judge and guardian of time. The great teacher, who shows up to teach when you have done the right effort, and when you have still work to do towards your own liberation.
In the eight house in Capricorn, no doubt about it, money matters and the fight for its leadership and application in society are going through profound transformation where death plays a central role, since we are talking about shared resources, the fight is to death, as both benefic and malefic energies are empowered by Pluto, the great psychologist and healer of the zodiac and master in integrating the shadow into any transformation, embraces them both in the same degree 27* Capricorn.
This is intense, as we can see in the wars that we are part of - within, as they are projected without. What war are your fighting? How can you balance courage and love in the art of living?
27* Capri: While the ego is being undone, destruction and chaos as the path towards renewal is evident, your devotion to each other plays a very important part giving your inner warrior and your unifying nature The ability to perceive the hidden and creative spirit of natural phenomena.
The pilgrimage is hallowed by the devotion of many, even though each person finds on their own mountaintop what to them seems a unique and transcendent revelation. It is man's supreme task to rise like fire, impelled by a vision they share with their companions. The Keyword: UPREACHING which leads to group mastery of cosmic energies. The youthful effort to reach the summits of cultural and spiritual attainment has settled down into a complex state of inspiration — a state which at times may bring confusion because of the multiplicity of the voices to which one has become open. One may speak here of CLAIRAUDIENCE, meaning a capacity for being responsive to many inner voices.
Since the war you are in is all about power, you'll be better off empowering your inner warrior and your relationships based on the principles of unity and justice. Instead of experiencing your relationship between men and women as power over each other, realize that true leadership is a balance of the two, in correspondence, and make it about Power over the Self. Become the master of your own personal power to transform until you see wisdom arising. How will you know? Because your will wake up in Freedom. Free yourself from the boundaries of your own envy, possessiveness, jealousy, control distortions, psychological manipulations, dark shadow of that limits your true capacity of giving yourself and your energy to the other from a perspective of Trust.

An powerful chart, we see this new moon in piscis, Sun and Moon conjunct in the 12* degree of Piscis, in a close conjunction with Jupiter and Neptune, who are getting closer and closer into their own conjunction; at the moment Jupiter shares the same degree 14* in Piscis with Nessus, magnifying matters of abuse in the career towards success.
Perhaps the deeper meditation for you is : What is success? If you are being abused, or you are abusing others, you are failing. To clear the fog in such matter with true meditation and inspiring healing arts is the task in between all this abuse of power and it will be helpful to add that this is karma coming back to its source.
14* Piscis: The use of intelligence and mental subtlety as a protection against storms and trials. "intelligence," considered as the ability to adapt to any and all life situations. Spiritual will and the ability to stand in facing tests are necessary in any crucial or challenging situation that an individual meets within a power-oriented group. But the sword-like will often has to be shielded, and intelligence or acumen can be the most precious help in danger. It is a personal (i.e. "animal" or instinctual) shield, perhaps even a camouflage. It hides the central will, but it keeps the individual from unnecessary hardships. What we see symbolized here is a self-protective way of meeting the inclemencies of weather, actual or psychic, which abound as one leads a life consecrated to a vaster Whole; for this very consecration arouses strong enmities. Unnecessary risks are forbidden to the initiate, for the security of the Brotherhood might be endangered. The need for PROTECTIVE SHIELDING is imperative, and glamour can be an effective shield.
This will prepare you to integrate valorization about how the concept of group value dominates the entire scene.
The door of the Soul can be our point of balance, as we see Psyche in Virgo in the IV house of ancestral linage, intuitive nurturing of the heart and the refuge of Home and Family, the tomb at the end of life. Psyche is not only at the disposition of Mercury in Capricorn, who also follows Saturn at the moment, but also right now shares the same degree as Saturn 19* Aquarius. In opposition to this New moon in Pisces balancing what feels good to your soul when planting the seed of your wants and needs for the next cycle is good advise that will give you the best results. Remember, with the North Node of the Moon in Tauro in House XII the future is calling towards the transcendence of reality through the spiritual practice of artistic healing and intuitive medicine, such as meditation, silence, peace, compassion, cosmic union, the understanding of ONE. Planet Earth is ONE planet, and all of us are species evolving together as we travel the vast universe in spirals of time. Natural cycles that obey the ultimate law of nature: That of impermanence. We are not here forever... but the Earth is and has seen it all before; the Earth is not afraid, the Earth is just reflecting your own fear. Time to smart up, and use your higher intelligence to vibrate fully into being alive. In hear nothing else works but gentleness, true felt sacrifice in help of others, and compassion. Here is transcend towards a new dawn through service.
19* Aquarius: The skill and courage necessary to bring under control the destructive potential of carelessness of karmic "visitations."
Forest fires may be caused by human carelessness, by lightning or by the by-products of modern technology. Every individual — at least once in his lifetime, if not repeatedly — may perhaps have to face spectacular reactions to seemingly insignificant acts. These are to be considered means to test his strength, ingenuity or emotional stability. Every faculty at his disposal must be made use of — emotional, mental, physical. He needs faith in himself and in superior Powers.
At this fourth stage of the five-fold series we are shown man in action in a crucial and potentially devastating situation. There is need for a total mobilization of energy and a deep sense of INDOMITABILITY.
This leads you towars the answer of spiritual agencies to thorough, sustained and victorious individual efforts. Peace be with you." And in this blessing a secret prophecy of what is yet to come may be seen by the perspicacious and spiritually sensitive mind of the recipient. Every real spiritual step a man takes in his development is the result of a victory over forces of inertia or destruction. The Divine is totally "present" in the heart of all true victories. What the "message" is depends on the particular situation, but the white dove always signifies PEACE.
As we narrow the big picture towards the How can I help? we arrive to another numerical key, the Ascendent in Gemini at 14* sharing a conjunction with The Part of the Fortune , a numeric astrological point that influences wealth, fame, wellbeing as a result of your realization of True Vocation. Squaring this new moon we see here a crisis needed to be met open minded and riding the wave of change towards a highly understanding and learning of the natural powers of the electrical body/mind technology of being human, Urano in Tauro in sextile with this new moon gives you the opportunity. Learn about electricity and magnetismo and how it works in the natural body/mind relationship structure. Meditation, telepathy, clairvoyance, all good examples.
In Gemini, the call is for friendliness, light heart conversations, interaction of ideas to teach and learn about each other and be friends. A duality that flirts with all possibilities from a perspective of true peaceful communication. Why peaceful communication? Because if communication is not peaceful, it is not communication. Light hearted, no complex ideas... just the noble truth.
In the 14* degree of Gemini AC conjunct Part of Fortune squaring New Moon
Enjoyment is in keeping everything at a superficial, cheerful and happy level; The advise is to try not commit to anything when you are being judgmental. Try to not carried away by whatever is in front of you since at the moment can be difficult to differentiate between the best or worst, thus be able to benefit from both sides and several alternatives at the same time.
This gives you a lot of freedom of movement. You change your life to accommodate yourself as best as possible. Having great flexibility within lots of ideas and theories can help you realize the contradictions of life.
Through the sign opposite your Part of Fortune, Sagittarius no in the 7th house of partnership, search for truth as the most important principle. Relate to all kinds of people and situations, changing when the moment demands it. Happier getting involved with what is immediately within your reach, without judging the duplicity of circumstances, you can stay in the present instead of following that distant mental expansion that sometimes occurs with Sagittarius.
You should not judge or be authoritarian, because you would lose the people with whom you want to communicate and learn. You must always maintain your power of observation and wisdom without making premature judgments. You quickly learn the meaning of the contradictions with which life expresses itself.
You know that human beings have to accept temporal limitations, although from a sufficiently broad point of view to allow mental expansion. What can satisfy you the most is to obtain a real understanding of the human being.
Use your skills to deal with your immediate reality, with a very clear sense of the presence of the “Here and Now” and the idea of the present.
Your greatest accomplishment and satisfaction will come when you know how to live with everything that is temporary, and you can learn something positive and new in everything.
With Part of Fortune in the twelfth house we feel everything in our environment with a lot of intensity and depth, and we are intimately attuned to everything.
Our greatest fulfillment will come when we are attentive to our inner being. You can satisfy your desire to understand the invisible forces of the Universe and your personal unity with the Whole, by realizing the unity of all seemingly separate realities.
In any case, you must function in the everyday world with its apparent limitations, which you see, while you realize the unity of all people and circumstances, how they are related, and how they work together. This will help you not to identify yourself with these limitations, actions, and programmed circumstances.
The goal is to realize that negative conditions arise when one selfishly pretends to experience only positive things. Likewise, you must experience everything from a neutral and impersonal plane, where there is no negative or positive, turning your life into an example of a deep freedom from all those apparent effects of outside influences.
By maintaining a detachment from the material world you can allow yourself to flow through situations and emotions without personalizing them, seeing them as common to the human psyche. Thus, you can understand the truth of life. Periods of solitude are very beneficial to gather strength, get in touch with your inner being, and begin to feel the essence of everything, because this is the source of your spiritual strength.
Part of Fortune is in the 12th house of your birth chart, the sixth house is the opposite house, the house of illness and health, of daily work and co workers, the house of daily habits, the house of pets. Through the sixth house, we must learn to function in the world efficiently and take up the calling to serve Humanity.
However, the greatest truths will be revealed through periods of meditation and silence. This is when we are able to approach and communicate with a mystical experience and understand the deep secrets of the human being and life.
At the moment true vocation is to learn to realize the unlimited experience of reality being a human, and to escape from the material prison that most people impose on themselves through their emotions and obligations.
You can understand a higher meaning for human responsibility and for the effort and work that must be done in the material world. The Part of Fortune in the 12th house helps transcend all limitations and obligations of the human being. It gives you the opportunity to know that your soul is free, that everything is truly a unity, that behind every experience there is a great truth, and likewise, that suffering has a very deep purpose and meaning, but you can choose not to suffer when you become friendly to others and serve everyone's happiness and peace.
Being in the Here and Now will undoubtedly bring you an inner illumination. And, it will give you the opportunity to know God and trust that everything we need is within our reach because it belongs to this total and universal energy. You learn to enjoy all the experiences of life. You understand the superior sense of spiritual growth that all crises offer as humans mature and evolve.
14* Gemini The capacity to transcend the limitations of bodily existence. a time comes when the individual can still transcend the limiting boundaries of culture and ego. An effort should then be made to enter a realm of consciousness in which the communication from mind to mind can take a more direct form, because the minds then operate within the One Mind of humanity. It is then as if two cells in a human body were communicating to each other, perhaps through some kind of invisible nerve channels, or, as it were, from nucleus to nucleus by means of vibratory resonance. At this fourth stage of the five-fold sequence we see the potentiality of a new technique to be used in the "newly opened lands" confronting the pioneers in human evolution. It is a TECHNIQUE OF TRANSCENDENCE.
It evidently can also bring confusion and many failures, as well as illusory claims and self-deceit. so it can help to remind you that this will take you towards The need to clarify one's experiences through actual contacts with like-minded individuals. his is the last stage of the fifteenth five-fold sequence of symbols. It closes the scene of "Discovery." All discoveries must be checked and their validity tested. In old tribal cultures a man's "great dreams" were accepted as valid and acted upon only if another tribesman also had a similar dream. The need for OBJECTIVITY has to be met; and this implies the confirmation of any subjective realization by some similar experience. It implies also the type of dualism inherent in all mental experiences as well as in mental concepts.
Black lillith (the rebel in you who is angry about what has being denied) in the first house of I AM at 25* degree of Gemini, the heaven's message is saying as A GARDENER TRIMMING LARGE PALM TREES, there is need for repeated pruning as you bring under control nature's power of expansion.
You are the flower. You are the eagle. You are the phoenix. You are the teaching. You are the planet. You are me, I am you. We are mirrors of light... we are the stars. We create the Universe.
always with love,