Happy Solar #Eclipse Confused about what to think? Ready to act? Tensions when you want to expand your own philosophy of life and grow in your own authority?
Transform with a higher perspective. Listen to your intuition, follow your dreams to quietud, solitud and serenity in your ideals. Compasion and universal love will do.
Evolution is in your stillness, in your noble silence. Meditation is medicine. Believe that Naturally we heal. Let go of your fear of dying.
What do you see when there is no light? Awareness and equanimity are True. Truth is Love. Love is all we need. 🤍
Attention to the breath, observing your sensations, understanding correctly that in this Universe there is no "I", no "me", no "mine"; and that the ultimate law is the natural law of impermanence.
This will also change. Be happy.🌎✨ Be the light ✨
