The Astrology of the times speak of the Age of Aquarius; this is the time when Saturn, the master of mastery and guardian of time, transits through the space he/she rules with the qualities of Aquarius: individualistic, free-thinking, innovative, elitist, revolutionary, electrical and erratic, leading the construction of the changes that determine the future.
Saturn, who likes discipline and determination, and accepts nothing else but the pure effort that endures in time until succeeding, is a slow and cold planet. At the moment, transiting retrograde, Saturn has us in the midst of the restructuring of time, teaching us that due to misused technology we continue accelerating the mind in an attention deficit that contradicts the nature of Being.
Simultaneously, Uranus, a high voltage electric revolutionary planet, who also rules the space of Aquarius, transits grounding its disruptive energy in the space of Taurus, whose elemental earthy quality allows us to cultivate genius and inventive minds, using the body and the senses so that so much mind speed does not turn into a neurosis.
Breathe advices Venus, breathe and observe your sensations. Keep transforming the way you relate to those you love until you can say how you feel and ask for what you need with friendliness and without giving away your power: to be trusted by your word. Beauty is highly recommended in the art of living.
Uranus and the North Node of the Moon transit towards their exact conjunction, pushing to evolve through surprises and sudden changes. Innovate through authenticity.
The Moon after its conjunction to the South Node in Scorpio this weekend, gave us the exercise of flowing and closing cycles to let die that which would otherwise become toxic. Intuitive actions, Mars the ruler of scorpio, advices… take your time, but transform yourself.
Aquarius, representing the collective consciousness, is in full revolution; the group defends their cause hoping to revolutionize against elitist control, but failing to recognize that by excluding those who do not share their vision, they themselves become elitist in turn.
The time of SolyLuna in its full phase is approaching, a full moon in Capricorn on July 13, 2022, at 1:37 p.m. Central time (CT) will happen in the axis of the third/nineth houses with the Sun in Cancer.
The luminaries enlightens a dynamic interchange that projects the value of competition in developing group consciousness in the realms of thought, the word, childhood, siblings, neighbors, the message of elementary education and justice that transcends with truth and freedom in the search for meaning.
A realization that one may grow through defeat as well as, and perhaps more than, though success, shows us that what matters most is Inner Strength.
Higher education, languages, culture, legislation and divine justice based on faith in God get illuminated as a Philosophy of life that recognizes life as a divine transcendental space, which sparkles as a primordial idea the social exercise of free will and the publication of ideas in the peaceful communication of a spiritual concept of God that transcends languages and cultures; all in the context of family and society.
What is success really worth? What is the price of success - for the individual, as well for as the collectivity acclaiming him or her. A question few people ask arises that arrives with the emotional reward accompanying cultural excellence. A journey that leads us to the longing for transcendent happiness in the soul opened to great dreams. Will the great dream become concrete? Will the emotion ready to well up in response to the Advent have its chance? Will the Expectancy of the Eternal Feminine be rewarded with reality?
The Aquarius Age ruled by Saturn puts it simple: it depends on your effort. Will you be able to succeed weaving the dream of time if you turn off the wi-fi? Quite a cross-roads if you consider that it is the wi-fi that is blocking us from dreaming our own dreams, hy-jacking the dreamland of the collective consciousness within the holographic grid of AI.
High Intelligence of Uranus, pushing us to become the cosmic man and woman, and discover our own psychic powers by realizing our highest technology - the coherence between heart and mind, and its electromagnetic properties. Electricity conducts energy, magnetism attracts it. All in the universe is energy, matter only transforms…everything in the cosmos is vibration. The faster you comprehend this, the faster you can generate an Earth with only good vibes.
Biblical times mark the clock; CERN, representing the songs of science, re-initiated its exploration of the God particle, re-booting the machine with a ritualistic inauguration that included according to insiders multidimensional entities, demons and spirits that lack a body and therefore the experience of karmic existence. The news have announced scientists (whatever that means nowadays) have recorded the sound of the echo from the black hole; and one wonders: why such an obsession of the Human Being with darkness; Is that why in the legal dictionary "Human Being" is defined as "Monster"?
While the Sun illuminates the path of faith as the path of the family and the heart as the source of divine life, the Moon projects the intuitive message advising the importance of limiting thought and information in good effort to achieve a disciplined and successful transformation, led by the soul.
Mercury approaches its cazimi on the 16th of July, in a combustion with the Sun that marks the midpoint of its retrograde cycles. It is possible that you reach a blind spot and little clarity within the issues that pertain to your ability to meet your needs and those of your family, but it is also possible that you see with complete clarity the message that you have been praying for. It all depends on your alignment with your integrity, truth, and virtue.
Venus on July 17th transits to Cancer to beautify and harmonize the family, the home, the hearth, the soul, the ancestral legacy, the natural cycles of growth and nurturing of life; topics that Mercury already had you analyzing in your search for balance and justice, and how to apply it in all your relationships. The secure leadership of the feminine as a channel of light which requires resonance from the masculine correspondence to protect it.
The Mother and the Father archetype, applied with the qualities of friendship, education, communication, truth, freedom and Happiness.
Time for the awakening of consciousness, with stable actions and genuine relationships.
Jupiter, the great benefactor of the celestial map of this Full Moon, activates the initiative of good daily habits while affirming the independence of being a generous and joyful you; with freedom, with truth, with optimism, leading your battle towards the victory of your spiritual transcendence in a healthy and healing way. Spiritual breakthrough awaits.
Perhaps the most transcendental advice is that of Neptune, who transits retrograde in its domicile Pisces, inspiring the healing of the soul with a very simple message: Forgive, let your compassion flow, your intuition is correct... we are ONE with the cosmos.
Your altruism is of little use if it divides the Whole.
The true sacrifice is the unconditional love that does not abandons anyone or discriminates by elitist reasoning; it is the spirit which, always present, inspires to live with art generating love and compassion, in a universal meditation for peace.
Escaping reality through alcohol and drugs might inspire the muse for bohemian lifestyle, but delusion and illusion is not real poetry. Real poetry awakes the power of word to create the very meaning of real.
Of course, it is no coincidence that the balance point in this case is the Ascendant at 28* Libra 58', which in its sabían symbology indicates to us the expression of the correct path through the realization, on every level of existence, that one is never alone, and that the "community" - visible or invisible - sustains our effort. The "Supermind", the white lodge, the unified mind of humanity becomes evident with the expansion of consciousness over the spiritual community, and the understanding of belonging to the great whole. This gives us a feeling of inner confidence.
The portal of humanity's long-lasting and vast effort to attain knowledge that is transferable from generation to generation opens giving the awaken a deep sense of participation and commitment to social processes that seek to give men and women Truth and a better life. The potential is that of cosmic evolution - a stage characterized by conscious participation.
Thank you for your service towards Universal Peace.
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