Spring equinox
With the Sun in the critical degree 29*59' in Pisces and the Moon also in the critical degree 29* in Libra, we feel the intensity of the end of the solar year, to welcome the spring equinox, on March 20 at 9:33 am CT in the purification of a new beginning.
Literally this equinox gives us 10 minutes to balance and unify our feelings in the harmonic union of your relationships one on one, before the moon enters scorpio to feel deeply until it awakes its intuition to mature in its transit through scorpio with a healing transformation of your wisdom; while receiving the Sun in such a shamanic state at Degree 0 * of Aries - the Aries Point - which marks the beginning of the astrological year. Sidereal time aligns to the equinox at midnight.
Happy New Year. Ideally you managed to integrate the soul in the dissolution of the ego, and give a fair embrace to your feelings in the purest of your silent meditation. Still under the influence of the full moon in Virgo, the purity of your intention will be equivalent to how healthy are your relationships.
The projection of feelings is a quality of the moon in Libra, and surely the critical voice has you finding the mistakes in the other that do not allow you to love. Be aware, the Sun tells you, that perfection is a natural state and everything that is natural is transitory and temporary, since it obeys the ultimate law of nature, which is change.
Thinking, with Mercury in Pisces, is not always clear; especially if you ingest substances or foods to levitate and dream, which might confuse your intention when altering the natural state of your conscious awareness. Mercurio in Pisces prefers noble silence to communicate. Underwater talking is very difficult.
No doubt Neptune and Jupiter conjunct have you wondering: what is true? Who to believe? And to find the answer, there is nothing better than noble silence and the observation of the intangible through intuition and the psychic qualities of the mind, at the physical level of pure observation of sensations arising, moment by moment breath by breath.
In Vedic Kal Surpa, the celestial pattern keeps all the planets between the lunar nodes, indicating a karmic process related to the continuation of these themes in the previous life, either in this life, or the life before this one. The conjunction of Nessus with Jupiter expands the benefit of choosing generosity instead of exaggeration to activate optimism when the abuser wants to confuse you, because what is clear is that this is a moment in time in which the specific karma of this confusing situation returns to its root.
The Sun in Aries is at the disposal of Mars, in the XI house, illuminating your good luck and your identity within your community. Aware of the return of Chiron in Aries, best to dedicate yourself to heal your wound by lowering the defenses that separate you from others, especially those who wish you well among your group of friends. Vulnerability is true courage.
Mars already in Aquarius, is at the disposition of Saturn in the social aspects of your life (and they are about to conjunct in what Vedic astrology identifies as the crocodile's bite,) and also responding to Mercury's major octave, the transpersonal planet Uranus; the planet of authentic revolution through altruistic individualism and the avant guard of genius. Urano Squares Venus while Mars dance with Venus starts to slowly separate; Venus who, after trying to keep up with the warrior impulse that only thinks of victory, finally begins separating from Mars to find the right distance from the energy of anger and aggressiveness.
Venus attempt is to unite and harmonize with the beauty of her balanced, fair and beautiful charm, naturally magnetizing like this her own magnetic power, which has she hopefully understood during her 40 days and 40 nights of reflection and retrograde motion in the embrace of Pluto - the shamán and deep psychologist of the zodiac -, that it is her own magnetic power which attracts what she/he desires. The morning star is serious about maturing in fairness and true change.
Note that Mars and Saturn, the warrior and the guardian judge of time, continue to apply pressure on who is between the two. On the one hand, a sharp and combative heat and warrior energy; and on the other, the rigidity and coldness of she/he who builds by controlling. Venus, who always tends towards diplomacy, always seeks balance and will have no choice but to identify patterns of insecurity or indecision that do not help her value herself in the magnetism of her own desire. Time to set boundaries in favor or the victory of your independence, and apply courage so you can lead from your wisdom. And wisdom arises from the fully aware and equanimous experience of the ultimate natural law that is Change.
Center, center… the balance is in the center. Not the center in space, not in the center of the circle, not in the center of the other's attention. The center is in the axis of yourself, in the balance of your inner harmony. Dance, dance, join your hands in front of your heart and make a caravan to your own heart. It is time of revelations, and there is no one more blind than the one who does not want to see.
The moment of the equinox is balanced in the lunar pattern of the Yud between the Moon in Libra, the Sun in Aries and the Ascendant in Gemini, which advises that to shine being you, and flow in your friendly communication while being you, it is best to heal the past and cleanse the ancestral memory that keeps you reactive to emotions and repeating the patterns of your comfort zone, in other words, what is familiar to you. Healing can happen by lovingly unifying your relationships with harmony and charm until you find the right distance (space) between the two of you. What is the right distance? Well, the Sun in Aries in the XI makes it clear... where you can shine by being you in full consciousness illuminating your hopes and dreams, and vitalizing the collective consciousness without obscuring the natural brightness of others; especially in your circle of friends and your altruistic causes. Love is Space. Space is love.
With the Midheaven in Aquarius... either you change by aligning your free authentic-innovative-revolutionary and genius thinking with your destiny and social mission, or the social environment will change you; Uranus in Taurus in House XII may surprise you with friends who at the end of the day were not such much friends - in astrology they are known as the "hidden enemies" - but at least you will awaken your subconscious to the need for stability, specially if the changes are radical.
Breathe and ground. Dance with your thoughts feeling the body with attention at a single point of focus, the breath; in order to silence the mind until you manage to be good company for yourself... then you are good company for others.
May the truth be your clarity and may your new philosophy of life be the divinity of Being You, for the well-being of humanity.
On the one hand the rigidity of the internal war (which is the war that manifests itself on the outside) to harmonize our destiny successfully; on the other hand the awakening of the divine consciousness in conscious thought. The challenge of change presents itself in the crisis: to shine or not to shine, to be or not to be... to feel or not to feel... changing we change. Better to change now consciously and not when Pluto reaches you in 2023 and destroys to death everything that you failed to detoxify in the revolution of the authenticity of Being You.
Remember, in the sacredness of your life, you are the one and only shamán.
Like a flower, blossom. Happy spring!
Namaste, ahó!