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Sun in Tauro 20 April 2022 : Grounding the Soul

Sun in Tauro

In the highest point of the sky, illuminating the X house of service to society through leadership, success in the long term, and public image and status, the Sun in Tauro grounds in the transition of 0*degree; the realization of natural boundaries, through determination and discipline. Organizing, planning, setting your own rules, nurturing the Earth with your hands in the garden, for the benefit of the whole.

Even the consciousness that has been able to get a glimpse of universal order has to bring down to its won “karmic” field of operation the message of harmony it has heard inwardly.

Peace and inner contentment with one’s essential destiny (dharma) is required to meet the everyday world. The mystic may experience flights of imagination and transcendent vision, but he/she must return to the concrete earth and to his task in his social environment.

Power must accept the need of focalization so the pure, uncontaminated and spontaneous manifestation of one’s own nature is realized.

The sun in an exact conjunction with the MC in 0* Tauro, it is all about your mission, and how to apply it in service of society so simple natural life on Earth can succeed. In Tauro, awareness grounds in the body, in good company, in the art of living with your hands, walking the earth barefoot, and making decisions through your senses. Using your senses to recognize each other: sight, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting, sensing with your intuition.

Still under the influence of a Full Moon phase, gibous waning towards its square phase of resolution of challenges, the moon transits Sagitarius at the disposition of Jupiter, who conjuncts Neptune, both in their sign of their rulership, Piscis, in the VIII house of transformation and renewal. Your emotional investment is highly spiritual, and so it is its gain. Committed until wisdom arises, death is never easy; a marriage ending, a contract not being able to renew; a sexual relationship that is best without emotional manipulation or power games, or money matters where the money is shared with others can benefit from a polarized perspective, where in polarization we find Psychy retro in II Virgo, who has the soul valuing the Self, your talents and skills, resources and possessions as your richest treasure to open the portal of purification effectively, to help you resolve money and values matters and finally commit to a true renewal.

Detoxification of your inner critic is key, change is unavoidable an its only about to accelerate with the eclipses. Transcendence will happen when you realize the principle of Union, correspondence. You are I, I am You, but we exit in relationship with each other. Without the Sun, we don't see the moon. When realizing your true vocation presents a challenge, focus on it.

The moon sextile Saturn conjuncts Vesta, has you feeling like this is the last fire of wisdom, and is manifesting in your relationships one on one; both are still in the topic of freedom and change. Is Freedom to be individual? O, under some kind of authority? Whose authority, the Self? Or controlled by governance? Perhaps it will help to remember that social governance is only a body of administration, a board of trustees elected by the individual who gathers in groups to make collective decisions, based on hope and wishes for the future. Urano just conjuncted Mercury in Tauro, and your ideas about love reshaped as much as the Earth you cultivated to get here.

A sun in Tauro is enlightening the importance of relationship, sharing its ruling planet with Libra, the Sun will respond to Venus through its transit in Tauro. Tauro rules the power of creativity and the expression of your own voice in the relationship. The Vishuta Chakra; it is time to use your voice.

Venus is currently conjunct Nessus, the centaur who brings you to the awareness of abuse of any kind and all its expressions, like guilt and shame. What relationships are abusive to you? Are you abusing your power in the relationship? Is the abuse sexual? Who is making you feel ashamed? Who is making you feel feel guilty? In pisces, Venus is in its exaltation; inspired, trascendental, spiritual, meditative, in silence. In its shadow, you will realize you are relating by escaping reality, in your addictions, confusion, and not following your intuition. If you don’t feel inspired, check your motivations to stay in the relationship. Is it an agenda related to your success and status? Is it a plan or need to control the other? Or is it to dominate him/her what is motivating you to keep the relationship?

Controlling through shame or guilt can be effective, but it eventually kills the soul, by making the other feel that he/she is not good enough, that there is something wrong with her or he. Control can give you power, but real power is never about control of others, but the realization of your own personal power. A heart matter, you see. To feel comfortable in your own skin.

Which brings us back to the moon in saggitarious, saying free your self esteem from others' abusive co-dependence; free yourself from the abuse of an exaggerated guru complex, by remembering that the teacher is within; free your emotions from confusion, lies, delusion, spells and tricks. Even though emotions can be magical, do not use emotions to cast magic. You will have more success grounding in reality, seeing things as they are and not as you want them to be. Relationship takes two, but peace starts with me. And that is wisdom.

If your strategy is to please the dad archetype in you, make sure you fight for your independence to lead your own way into the victory of being you, without harm. Healed from the childhood trauma you already worked on with the help of Chiron in Aires.

Pluto is getting ready to go retrograde at the end of the month at the same time that Venus, after conjuncting Neptune at her climax of inspiration, conjuncts Jupiter; both Venus and Jupiter being the great benefactors of the Zodiac, bring great optimism to healthy relationships at the same time there is a Solar Eclipse in Vedic Aries/ Tropical Tauro that opens a portal of accelerated change that takes you to the lunar eclipse in Scorpio in May 15th. This will connect you with that which you have been evolving since November, and your role in the myth of the from the fixed Star Algol; known as the 'great demon".

Algol is fixed in the 26* degree of Tauro, North Node just passed it and we all kind of lost our head. Mercury, Urano eventually, but the Sun for sure during this month will conjunct it. Algol represents the myth of Medusa. Medusa lost her head, because everyone who saw her would turn into stone; evil and resented towards men, she lost herself in the path of seduction, after being a goddess of wisdom. The same men who loved her, learned to fear her. Nonetheless, when her head was cut and her evilness destroyed (Pluto) her head became a shield of protection. In which side of the head are you going to be on? Talking about death and renewal, Pluto retrogrades as a preparation for her entrance into Acuario, where freedom awaits. No more controlling to command, a new beginning as a free thinker and innovator through the transformation of power becomes possible

You might see that as a challenge at the moment; know that this challenge is associated with the challenge you are facing being at the center of your own life; in your pursuit to receive recognition and admiration for being you and shine for being you. What can you do different to embody your journey of light from a perspective of generosity, loyalty, talent, and creativity, shining at the center? You'll know when you hear the applause, your kingdom is happy, bountiful, and filled with admiration for your leadership. Where is your Tauro house in your natal chart? There you will see the radical changes that are about to manifest.

Tauro says: Simple things in life take no effort because they are all about harmony. Touch, feel, use your senses, and be in good company. Balance justice sharing beauty and art.

You are bound to succeed. Continuity of practice is the key to success. Once you stop fighting, you will win.

May you transcend in peace, love and happiness, free from all suffering. In true harmony.



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