Go with the healing energy, you’ll feel better in silence, meditating on what it takes to win the battle you are fighting, with spirit. If you are realizing that what makes you successful is the authenticity of your individuality and your capacity to be a free thinker even when the expression of your identity makes you different to others, you are on the right path of evolution.
With Saturn squaring Uranus, one might choose to believe that all this authoritarian order and rules to control are all about changing the future. If you go deeper you will realize that the future is always about the NOW. The present is the future. How do you feel right now is giving you a hint about what you need to do to change it. Tradition? Radical Change? Obey? Rebel? A revolution is in order, whether you are ready or not. Will you let the collective consciousness to be the author of your life? Are you unique and authentic enough to lead with your geniality and innovative freedom to think for your Self?
There is a fire in the mind, and the need to retreat might be our inner warrior showing us bravery.
Listen, the sublime echo in the collective consciousness is vibrating a healing melody hoping to inspire hope in everyone's heart while those in fear keep creating a blurry reality to confuse your clarity. Light is being illuminated on the Earth, with a reality check. You will feel better if you find inspiration in the art of living. Remember? Living? Friends? Hope? Inspiration? All there is, is change. Why are you so afraid to meet your destiny? Why have you forgotten your faith?
Art is energy plus time put together to create beatitude, to beautify and harmonize society. With the radical changes and the evident revolution the world is under, take the opportunity to feel the lessons that change is bringing you to push into your Self to fight for your NEW stability with heart. A heart that feels always in good company, a heart that can connect with others through the senses and enjoy the pleasures of the simple things in life, like a good meal, like a good song, like a good day in nature.
Rebel like a bull, do not let the matador get you, it has been bloody, and it might seem that the whole crowd has ganged up against you and is cheering up for the illusion of what been a real Torero means, not knowing that every wound we inflict upon one another, is a wound we will have to endure next life around.
No killing, no stealing, no intoxicating the mind, no lying, no harmful sexual conduct, do no harm, if what you are looking for is perfection here I give you the 10 Perfections required for happiness: Generosity Morality Renunciation Wisdom Effort Tolerance Truth Strong determination Selfless love Equanimity
Breath consciously, slow down time enough so you can feel your sensations, one by one, so nobody rushes you into making decisions you will regret. To follow your intuition you first must awaken your awareness enough so you can listen to your body. And the body speaks in sensations. Whether you like what you are feeling or not, it does not matter, what matters is that you understand that nothing is permanent, make sure to not make rules around that which will sooner than later change.
Accelerated change in this transformation is showing you the shadow, how everyone shows their control issues in the attempt of dominating reality at will. Be sure to not stay in the darkness of your power trip, and turn the light on aligning with truth and wisdom. Transcending frontiers should not be about letting go of your Truth, it is more likely an opportunity to growth through a higher perspective, and expand your transformation by following your inner divinity teaching true freedom. Commit. Do not give away your rights, value the old ancient peaceful practice of honoring how you feel and asking for what you need in a friendly interaction of ideas. Listen, be compassionate. Dream.
This fight is within Yourself, isn't it not? Heal your subconscious by leaping to the unknown to win the independence of your own thinking. When was the last time you asked yourself what is the right thing to do, instead of following others blindly, because everyone else is doing it? From the Aquarius perspective, a group is not a mass of people, but a circle of free thinkers who are able to honor their individuality and contribute with their geniality for the benefit of humanity. Are you part of the elite that will bring the Earth to its spiritual transcendance in perfect cosmic union? Are you one willing to experience the magic frequencies of unconditional love?
If you are confused, you might light the inner fire by asking your children, or connect with your inner child; children always know to the detail how to keep you happy and help you solve problems with integrity. Plus it is children's future we are gambling with, when obeying ignorance.
Transform what you believe until it feels like Wisdom. How will you know is Wisdom? Because the action you end up taking will be good for you, and for everyone else. For the benefit of all, amigos, for the benefit of all.
One thing Uranus in Tauro is calling for is for you to ground your self -for those in the old paradigm, grounding does not mean punishing or time out, grounding means to touch the Earth -embrace a reality that harmonize your sense of I AM stable, good company, balanced, harmonious, fair, and artistic. Healthy.
Fear? Eradicate it from your mind before those self proclaimed authoritarians, ambitious for power, who give cult to false gods made of gold, make you a prisioner for generations to come in the experiment of transhumanism and artificial intelligence; re-member your HEART by re-membering you are made to G0D’s image, SHE is everywhere, HE is the Universe all the Time, Nature commands from chaos, and when is time to die it is time to die, no quantum chemical can change that, and why would you want to break the natural law of nature. Isn't it enough to see the suffering our constant desire to change nature has already caused? Your mind is on fire... drink some water, blessed it, and relax.
The key is in your determination to focus your attention on the breath, until you concentrate the mind on one point of attention only, surrender to your present moment. It is not about the thoughts in your head. Craziness is to do things the same way and expect different results; Ignore what your thoughts are saying, and come back to your breath...you want to feel your sensations, which are the compass to your happiness and peace, you want to feel your sensations, observe them without reacting, feel the arise and pass away, breath by breath, moment by moment, reality as it is, breath by breath...

specially if you are in the company of Death.
You are always changing.
